
Men Only pics

Feminism was invented by inferior men, and this is why feminists only keep it for

Feminism was invented by inferior men, and this is why feminists only keep it for inferior men.


Women are worthless garbage, but they are worthless garbage that only approaches

Women are worthless garbage, but they are worthless garbage that only approaches and submits to Superior Men. This is why inferior men mustn't treat women like garbage, but they have to respect women and approach them as if they were superior, entitled go


If you heed feminism and you buy women are as superior as Men, then you are making

If you heed feminism and you buy women are as superior as Men, then you are making women feel bad about behaving like the inferior beings they actually are for you. Superior Men don't pay attention to feminism. The only liberation feminism pursues is libe


What is a woman, but the set of her abilities? Guess what? Yeah, women only apply

What is a woman, but the set of her abilities? Guess what? Yeah, women only apply their actual definition to Superior Men; Superior Men know well what women actually are.


This is a subreddit about Superior Men who think women are just worthless inferior

This is a subreddit about Superior Men who think women are just worthless inferior fuck meat objects and who only want women for their bodies; and about fragile, delicate, tender women who prefer and choose those Men.


When women were passive inanimate objects with no will or consent, Men had to approach

When women were passive inanimate objects with no will or consent, Men had to approach and actively take them. When gender equality defenders demanded the freedom of choosing only Superior Men, they got will and consent, and now they aren't objects, but t


Superior Men are only interested in inferior women that are simple fuck-meat objets

Superior Men are only interested in inferior women that are simple fuck-meat objets and that acknowledge those Men's superiority. However, despite that, no gender equality defender likes to make herself known as the kind of woman so superior that Superior


Gender equality defenders prefer Superior Men who think women are inferior. Those

Gender equality defenders prefer Superior Men who think women are inferior. Those gender equality defenders only support the part of feminism they can use against inferior men (obviously).


feminists only play their pretended game of pride, haughtiness and feminism with

feminists only play their pretended game of pride, haughtiness and feminism with inferior men, inferior men feminists get money from via government's feminist policy.


feminists love and prefer Superior Men. feminism admires Male Superiority. feminism

feminists love and prefer Superior Men. feminism admires Male Superiority. feminism only fights the oppression by inferior unworthy men feminists don't desire.


So yes, Superior Men prefer weak, inferior women, who need Male help and protection,

So yes, Superior Men prefer weak, inferior women, who need Male help and protection, and who can only recompense those Men with their "weakness", and inferior abilities and services.


So MD feminists remember: winning a Math prize is not sexy to Superior Men. The only

So MD feminists remember: winning a Math prize is not sexy to Superior Men. The only thing an intelligent woman gets from Superior Men is respect. But if you need a Superior Man to take you for something "closer" than someone to respect, don't pretend you


So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior

So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior Men they need, worship and praise. In fact, women are so inferior and despicable, that not being respected by Superior Men is the only method they can use to be accepted by


So don't take this subreddit too in earnest. We all know that when we say women prefer

So don't take this subreddit too in earnest. We all know that when we say women prefer superior Men we are just kidding. We all know real life women are so superior that they don't need superior Men and they reject them, and they only go to the club in se


women love natural things. feminists only love artificial gender equality's artificiality

women love natural things. feminists only love artificial gender equality's artificiality inasmuch as it helps them brainwash inferior men into female superiority and into giving women their money while getting rid of those inferior men for sex


women can only interest superior Men by way of own pain. Why? women know they've

women can only interest superior Men by way of own pain. Why? women know they've to provide some benefit in return for the superior benefits they get from superior Men. Since female inferiority can't provide superior benefits, women prove their wish of be


There is 1 thing women need from inferior men: their inferiority. It's why many women

There is 1 thing women need from inferior men: their inferiority. It's why many women like to work outside home: not because their superior Man can't get enough money or can't give them a nice home life: being among inferior men is the only chance women h


The superior Men women need and prefer only accept women who desire and worship *superior*

The superior Men women need and prefer only accept women who desire and worship *superior* Men themselves


This is the real importance and place in the world of women to the superior Men feminists

This is the real importance and place in the world of women to the superior Men feminists need and prefer. Logically, given their inferiority, women have only managed to evolve abilities for subduing inferior men


So feminism basically comprises two fundamental female rights: 1) the sexual right

So feminism basically comprises two fundamental female rights: 1) the sexual right to submit only to the superior Men women prefer; and 2) the social right to get money, quotas, offices and high social status from inferior men (i.e, the right to dominate


feminism is not that stupid. it comprises a witty hidden message to men, which is:

feminism is not that stupid. it comprises a witty hidden message to men, which is: "If we women have to accept inferior men, then we have to be treated as superior people. If we have to be treated as inferior people, then we'll have to accept only superio


Obviously she only reveals and applies this epistemology of hers to superior Men.

Obviously she only reveals and applies this epistemology of hers to superior Men. In order to get money from inferior men she uses feminism and the government


Real superior Men don't need superior women, and they only accept real inferior women.

Real superior Men don't need superior women, and they only accept real inferior women. And the real inferior women superior Men prefer, are proud of their female biological inferiority, and they proudly show off their female inferiority to get accepted by


women like being natural, so superior Men treat them like the inferior fuck-meat

women like being natural, so superior Men treat them like the inferior fuck-meat they naturally are. women only like being artificial when they demand artificial gender equality to inferior men


Begging is a powerful resource; this is why womyn only keep it to superior Men. Consent

Begging is a powerful resource; this is why womyn only keep it to superior Men. Consent is for inferior men who keep to feminism.


It's only indecent if they do it for the inferior men they hate. But if they do it

It's only indecent if they do it for the inferior men they hate. But if they do it for the superior Men they love and desire, then it's decent and logical


So womyn need inferior men too because those are the only men womyn can play their

So womyn need inferior men too because those are the only men womyn can play their pretended role of female superiority and their feminism with (in the picture, a feminist shows the "inferior man guide to pussy". The superior Man needs no guide)


Superior Men (i.e, the Men feminists need and prefer) only accept wymyn that need

Superior Men (i.e, the Men feminists need and prefer) only accept wymyn that need and love them. And no superior womyn needs or needs to love a superior Man.


MD Gentlemen: feminists only have two agencies: the agency of degrading themselves

MD Gentlemen: feminists only have two agencies: the agency of degrading themselves for superior Men, and the agency of degrading and hating inferior men

maledom, ChristianGirls

There's nothing in life that can be achieved by women but not by Men, except female

There's nothing in life that can be achieved by women but not by Men, except female pain and babies. But there are many important things that can be achieved by Men but not by women. Guess the only way women can get those things? (congrats if you guessed


MD feminists: you only have 2 options in your life: a) being inferior women without

MD feminists: you only have 2 options in your life: a) being inferior women without inferior men; or b) being non-inferior women without superior Men. Use your optimizing agency to choose your best option (killing yourself is to refrain from choosing)


Male supremacy-fighting feminists only want to let superior Men know that they are

Male supremacy-fighting feminists only want to let superior Men know that they are perfectly qualified to endure mistreatment and pain to those Men's amusement


MD feminists: use feminism against inferior men, and use your female gender's inferiority

MD feminists: use feminism against inferior men, and use your female gender's inferiority and beg for mistreatment to superior Men's amusement. It's your only way to get the best things from both types of man: you get money, quotas and respect from inferi


MD feminists: you are only cool according to how cool you are to the superior Men

MD feminists: you are only cool according to how cool you are to the superior Men your female gender's inferiority needs and prefers. No feminism in this world can change your female gender's inferiority genetic need and preference for superior Men


So yes; every woman is an actual piece of inferior fuckmeat, because every woman

So yes; every woman is an actual piece of inferior fuckmeat, because every woman prefers and needs to get accepted by a superior Man, and only women who are actual inferior fuckmeat need to get accepted by superior Men, and get accepted by those Men


No "superior woman" wants to interest inferior feminist men that think

No "superior woman" wants to interest inferior feminist men that think she's superior; she only wants to interest superior Men who think she's inferior. That actual is female superiority. The entire porn industry is a proof that women prefer to interest s


Superior Men's superiority is the only natural, specific and logical goal of female

Superior Men's superiority is the only natural, specific and logical goal of female inferiority, to which female inferiority and need are meant to be oriented and submitted. women don't deny inferior men their inferiority cause they aren't inferior, but b


Here you have another Male supremacy-fighting superior Male-preferring feminist destroying

Here you have another Male supremacy-fighting superior Male-preferring feminist destroying to her superior Man's amusement the feminism she builds to oppress inferior men. You will never see a feminist fighting superior Men; they only use their female sup


Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in

Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in order to get accepted by a superior Man, a woman has to affirm she's inferior. So you have this fact of feminists affirming inferior men women are superior, but reminding s

maledom, DegradingHoles

So in the past the Patriarchy forced women to submit to Men. In the feminist and

So in the past the Patriarchy forced women to submit to Men. In the feminist and liberated present women are only forced to submit to Men by the actuality of their female gender's inferiority


Yes, there is a wage gap between Men and women, and it exists because there is a

Yes, there is a wage gap between Men and women, and it exists because there is a capability gap between the superiority of Men and the inferiority of women. Neither money nor the business world understand about sexism, they only understand about profit


This subreddit makes both superior Men and inferior men love women, which is why

This subreddit makes both superior Men and inferior men love women, which is why it isn't a misogynistic subreddit. The only misogynistic movement is feminism, that says that female will is an illusion and female consent is not enough


In reality women are superior, but they show themselves as inferior because it's

In reality women are superior, but they show themselves as inferior because it's their only way to get accepted by superior Men, and everybody knows superior women logically need superior Men's protection and support


The only way women can get accepted by superior Men is to self-degrade to worthless

The only way women can get accepted by superior Men is to self-degrade to worthless inferior fuckmeat; but the fact that women actually are worthless inferior fuckmeat is what makes them prefer superior Men, and prefer and be incapable to submit anything


So the only way a woman can show a superior Man how much she needs Him and so she

So the only way a woman can show a superior Man how much she needs Him and so she loves Him in order to get accepted by Him, is by showing how inferior she is. women tell superior Men they're inferior but they tell inferior men they're superior


The combination of women's inferiority and superior Men's superiority is the only

The combination of women's inferiority and superior Men's superiority is the only thing that makes women authentically happy. women can't be happy about combining their superiority and inferior men or a lone self-sufficient life, because women's superiori


It turns out that superior Men that don't need and so won't accept brainy women are

It turns out that superior Men that don't need and so won't accept brainy women are shallow. But those brainy women that are so brainy and self-sufficient that they decide they need and prefer superior Men that only accept brainless female fuckmeat aren't


So the point is inferiority is inferior and useless and worthless, this is why a

So the point is inferiority is inferior and useless and worthless, this is why a superior Man would never need it or ask for it, so female inferiority can only be offered by feminists to superior Men and feminists beg superior Men to accept it, something


Obviously feminists perfectly know that they mustn't apply feminism to the superior

Obviously feminists perfectly know that they mustn't apply feminism to the superior Men their female inferiority needs and prefers. feminists only apply feminism to the inferior men they're not interested in and want to restrain


Even inferior men admit they should do the approaching only if they see indicators

Even inferior men admit they should do the approaching only if they see indicators of interest from her. The point is those indicators of interest from her are, in fact, the "first approaching". However inferior men would get shocked at the female "indica


But, logically, women will only offer and submit their "beauty", their

But, logically, women will only offer and submit their "beauty", their "best thing", their "qualifiedness" as females, their inferiority-based-superiority to the superior Men that biological inferiority needs and prefers. What women offer to inferior men


Under the "decency, respectability" & feminism women demand inferior

Under the "decency, respectability" & feminism women demand inferior men simply and logically the fact lies that women only want to be treated like the inferior useless fuck meat they are by the superior Men they need to prefer. This the feminism that


So yes, this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody knows that real life feminists

So yes, this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody knows that real life feminists are strong and independent and so they don't need superior Men, and this is why they only accept and prefer inferior men

maledom, MaledomEmpire

women don't want rights. women want superior Men. They only want the right and the

women don't want rights. women want superior Men. They only want the right and the freedom to not want and to reject inferior men and to get quotas and money from them


women don't want rights. women want superior Men. they only want the right and the

women don't want rights. women want superior Men. they only want the right and the freedom to not want inferior men


hypergamy is women's self-defense: "if we have 2 b treated as inferior, we'll

hypergamy is women's self-defense: "if we have 2 b treated as inferior, we'll only choose superior men; but if we have 2 accept inferior men, we must b treated as superior". feminists aren't being treated as presidents, so expect a lot of female submissio


MD feminists: remember that dignity is not sexy to the superior men your female inferiority

MD feminists: remember that dignity is not sexy to the superior men your female inferiority needs and prefers. Use dignity only to get affirmative action, presidencies, feminism and money from inferior men


I've decided that since real men don't wear chastity cages, I shouldn't be allowed

I've decided that since real men don't wear chastity cages, I shouldn't be allowed to use the men's restroom. So from now on I'm only allowing myself to use gender-neutral bathrooms whenever possible
