
Men Only pics

Honestly, ladies, sorry to tell this, but feminism is not sexy to men. Sex can only

Honestly, ladies, sorry to tell this, but feminism is not sexy to men. Sex can only be interesting to men as it is to men's pleasure and satisfaction, that is, as it is a non-feminist, but masculinist sex. It'd be great if it Nature wasn't like this, but


Women are inferior only to superior men. Women are real women only to real men.

Women are inferior only to superior men. Women are real women only to real men.

maledom, ratemyvagina

This is what inferior men have to respect... if she wants to work outside home. Only

This is what inferior men have to respect... if she wants to work outside home. Only inferior men must respect women. And this is why many women want to have a job outside home: because it's the only place where they can demand respect.


After a heavy feminist reprogramming the internet revealed her feminism only applies

After a heavy feminist reprogramming the internet revealed her feminism only applies to inferior men, and it is being reprogrammed as an inferior worthless honorless piece of fuck-meat that leads to being accepted by Superior Men. After this new brainwash

maledom, anal

So this is modern feminism's big problem: feminists have learnt that, as feminists,

So this is modern feminism's big problem: feminists have learnt that, as feminists, they will only be desired by inferior men, and they can only interest and be accepted by Superior Men as inferior pieces of fuck-meat.


This is the only thing Superior Men need women for. And that's the only reason why

This is the only thing Superior Men need women for. And that's the only reason why women need Superior Men.


women only need Superior Men, and they are only needed by inferior men.

women only need Superior Men, and they are only needed by inferior men.


The preference for Superior Men is the only thing the female brain can't be brainwashed

The preference for Superior Men is the only thing the female brain can't be brainwashed against. In fact, feminism was an invention by inferior men as an attempt to prevent women from submitting to Superior Men, but women quickly turned it into their sexu


feminism doesn't criticize all men; feminism only criticizes inferior men (rapists,

feminism doesn't criticize all men; feminism only criticizes inferior men (rapists, oppressors, etc). But feminism is perfectly ok with Superior Men; in fact, feminism worships Superior Men. feminism is the most hypergamous and patriarchal movement out th


So, to a gender equality defender, whether it is honoring or dishonoring depends

So, to a gender equality defender, whether it is honoring or dishonoring depends on whether he is a superior Man or an inferior man. This is why gender equality defenders only use feminism against inferior men; they only can be dishonored by those men


So, sorry MD feminists, but not agreeing with the superior Men you prefer's concept

So, sorry MD feminists, but not agreeing with the superior Men you prefer's concept that women are inferior is not sexy to those superior Men you prefer. Superior Men, thanks to their superiority, only accept women who accept and worship their Male superi


feminists only criticize, reject and run their equality rights against inferior men

feminists only criticize, reject and run their equality rights against inferior men (those men who rape, harass or cat call women because they can't get sex). But feminists never criticize superior Men; in fact, they beg superior Men to rape them and abus


Like inferior men, the superior Men women prefer like to honor women too. The only

Like inferior men, the superior Men women prefer like to honor women too. The only difference is the superior Men women prefer honor women as the superior Men they are, which is why women love it. So, in reality, women want to be honored.


MD feminists, only use feminism to get respect and money from inferior men. But to

MD feminists, only use feminism to get respect and money from inferior men. But to be attractive to the superior Men you prefer and to get these Men's semen, show off your actual female inferiority. You don't get accepted by a superior Man if you don't ma


MD feminists: this is what you are to superior Men. So, in order to be accepted by

MD feminists: this is what you are to superior Men. So, in order to be accepted by the superior Men you need and prefer, you also have to accept that concept superior Men have about you as females, for the simple reason that your only alternative is livin


The superior Men women need and prefer consider real women are just inferior fuck

The superior Men women need and prefer consider real women are just inferior fuck meat and they treat women like that, and thanks to the Internet inferior men want to be like superior Men now, and so they only want real inferior fuck meat women, and you k


So artificial gender equality defending feminists prefer superior Men because, due

So artificial gender equality defending feminists prefer superior Men because, due to female inferiority, this is the only thing women can do and contribute in order to be accepted by Men (whether superior or inferior men). An inferior being wouldn't try


Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason

Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex


So yes, feminists only reveal and confess their self-esteem, who they really are

So yes, feminists only reveal and confess their self-esteem, who they really are and their inferiority to the superior Men they need to be accepted by (since if feminists were superior, they would not need superior Men and so superior Men would not accept


Due to their biological definitional inferiority, women can only attempt to be liked

Due to their biological definitional inferiority, women can only attempt to be liked and accepted for that carnal inferiority or theirs, by the superior Men they need and prefer. And optionful superior Men, who don't need superior women, only accept women


The reason why women want to be treated like superior respectable women by inferior

The reason why women want to be treated like superior respectable women by inferior men is not that women are actually superior; the reason is that women only pay their inferiority to superior Men, since their female inferiority is the only thing women ha


So feminists have learned well what their working strategy has to be: they will only

So feminists have learned well what their working strategy has to be: they will only accept inferior men on the condition of being treated like superior women; they will only agree to be treated like inferior women on the condition of selecting only super


Inferior men should not disrespect wymyn because wymyn only consent to be disrespected

Inferior men should not disrespect wymyn because wymyn only consent to be disrespected by superior Men. wymyn are so inferior that their dignity and its destruction is all the benefit they can mean to superior Men. If inferior men could degrade wymyn too,


women are perfectly ok with being inferior. What they hate is being oppressed to

women are perfectly ok with being inferior. What they hate is being oppressed to be inferior to the amusement of inferior men. The only oppression feminists hate is the oppression that forces them to submit to inferior men. Being denied inferior men's mon


wymyn don't like to be mistreated. If they did, they'd like to be mistreated by inferior

wymyn don't like to be mistreated. If they did, they'd like to be mistreated by inferior men too, which they don't. There's only one thing wymyn love: superior Men. wymyn only enjoy being validated by the enjoyment their pain and uselessness cause to the


To feminists, the opposite thing of being treated like inferior people by superior

To feminists, the opposite thing of being treated like inferior people by superior Men is not to be treated like superior people by superior Men, but to be treated like superior people by inferior men. This latter one is the only "superiority" easy enough


women don't degrade themselves only for superior Men (making inferior men believe

women don't degrade themselves only for superior Men (making inferior men believe that is one of the greatest achievements of feminism); women roleplay their self-upgrade for all men except superior Men (women perfectly assume their inferiority for superi


women want to be attractive to Men for their intellectual qualities. More exactly,

women want to be attractive to Men for their intellectual qualities. More exactly, they want to be attractive to Men for their lack of intelligence, which makes them attractive only to superior Men


So the reason why women don't submit to inferior men isn't that they hate inferior

So the reason why women don't submit to inferior men isn't that they hate inferior men; women submit to superior Men instead for the simple reason that only from superior Men can women get all the benefits their female gender's inferiority needs. Also, th


Authentic and full female sexuality can only be well understood with reference to

Authentic and full female sexuality can only be well understood with reference to the superior Men female inferiority needs and prefers; i.e, genuine female sexuality can only be understood as female sexuality being the only way female inferiority is capa


Paradoxically, keeping inferior men away and getting respect, reverence, money and

Paradoxically, keeping inferior men away and getting respect, reverence, money and quotas from inferior men are not the only utilities wymyn can get from feminism. wymyn can use feminism to sexually arouse and seduce superior Men too


In order to be accepted by superior Men, women have to admit those Men's superiority,

In order to be accepted by superior Men, women have to admit those Men's superiority, and so they have to admit their own female inferiority, and so women have to be misogynistic. women only play the feminist role to sexually reject inferior men while get


women are so inferior that the only power they actually have and they can actually

women are so inferior that the only power they actually have and they can actually use and enjoy is the power of telling inferior men they won't allow these men to treat them like inferior fuckmeat, the same way women allow superior Men to treat them


Remember that no female superiority defending feminist prefers inferior men. "Since

Remember that no female superiority defending feminist prefers inferior men. "Since I'm a superior woman, I don't need superior men, so if anything I'm only willing to accept inferior men to help them, and prove society women are superior in the process"


The superior Men female inferiority prefers don't need superior women and they only

The superior Men female inferiority prefers don't need superior women and they only accept inferior women. This is why the only thing women can give those Men to get accepted by Them is those women's self-hurting and self-destruction. So this is a subredd


So it's simple: a woman's only and real happiness is a superior Man; and so a woman's

So it's simple: a woman's only and real happiness is a superior Man; and so a woman's only and real unhappiness is the lack of a superior Man. So female unhappiness has nothing to do with female inferiority. Only inferior men or the lack of a superior Man


"female inferiority turns superior Men and the idea of getting accepted, enjoyed

"female inferiority turns superior Men and the idea of getting accepted, enjoyed and validated by those superior Men as those superior Men's inferior women into women's main and only need, ambition, aspiration, interest, motivation and happiness in life"


The superior Men that make women happy only accept inferior women, and women can

The superior Men that make women happy only accept inferior women, and women can only offer their inferiority to those Men, so every woman is happy to be mistreated when this mistreatment validly gets her the superior Man that makes her happy


So in order to get accepted by the superior Men female inferiority needs and prefers,

So in order to get accepted by the superior Men female inferiority needs and prefers, women have to qualify at being what they tell inferior men they aren't, indecent dishonorable worthless cunts. Worthless cunts only need and choose superior Men


Yes, they ask for it... BUT only to superior Men. (inferior men must not think that's

Yes, they ask for it... BUT only to superior Men. (inferior men must not think that's how she offers her body or carnal inferiority; inferior men must think that's how she shows off her superior mental capabilities, her non-carnality and decency, and her


women don't give superior Men their bodies, since inferior men can get women's bodies

women don't give superior Men their bodies, since inferior men can get women's bodies too by rape; they give superior Men the only thing inferior men can't get by their own means from them: their will and choosing, in the degree of begging, since modern f


Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is

Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is why they prefer superior Men, who are women's best choice, and so they despise inferior men's inferiority (which is women's worst choice and so the only thing women can be v


So female inferiority is only happy with superior Men; it is unhappy with inferior

So female inferiority is only happy with superior Men; it is unhappy with inferior men. But since Male superiority doesn't need female inferiority, it's women that try to give superior Men nice reasons and beg to get accepted by those Men. women don't nee


women need a superior Man to openly despise, laugh at, and fight inferior men, and

women need a superior Man to openly despise, laugh at, and fight inferior men, and so to apply feminism to them. Since feminism applies to inferior men, the only male supremacy feminists fight is inferior men's supremacy. You'll see no feminist preferring


Due to their poor experience on women, inferior men spend their lives believing women

Due to their poor experience on women, inferior men spend their lives believing women are superior although they pretend to be inferior to superior Men. Due to their rich experience on women, superior Men spend their lives knowing women are inferior only


Remember: superior Men don't rape women. men who rape women are men so inferior that

Remember: superior Men don't rape women. men who rape women are men so inferior that they need to coerce women cause otherwise women won't want to have sex with them. women only beg for the happy privilege of their inferiority getting to be accepted to su


So women only strive for superior Men because only a relationship with a superior

So women only strive for superior Men because only a relationship with a superior Man is beneficial and advantageous to them, and logically only such a relationship is in women themselves' interest (not in the superior Man's interest)


Since the relationship between the woman and the superior Man is to the woman's gain

Since the relationship between the woman and the superior Man is to the woman's gain and benefit, women only strive for superior Men, and, apart from babies, superior Men are the only thing women genuinely strive for in life


Since superior Men are the only genuine occupation that is beneficial and advantageous

Since superior Men are the only genuine occupation that is beneficial and advantageous to women, which is why all women prefer and pursue superior Men, then all the efforts women devotedly pay to get accepted by superior Men are female inferiority's genui


Superior Men can b feminist too. But superior Men know women need feminism bc they're

Superior Men can b feminist too. But superior Men know women need feminism bc they're inferior, & lesser men r feminist bc their inferiority makes them see women as superior. women don't want the courtesy-feminism from superior Men, & only apply t


It's the inferior that needs the superior. It's women that are picky, women are the

It's the inferior that needs the superior. It's women that are picky, women are the choosing party: female inferiority prefers superior men over inferior men. Men are promiscuous: the winning male would pass his genes to all the females; there's only one


Woman complains that she only met fuckboys in her life, absolutely no men were ever

Woman complains that she only met fuckboys in her life, absolutely no men were ever good to her in a relationship, and makes a generalization that all men are lazy.


I live to serve men, to be used by men. I need it, I can't function without it. My

I live to serve men, to be used by men. I need it, I can't function without it. My mind has become so blank. I only feel alive when I'm serving another. My Sir, my world, my owner, my abuser. I was born to be a toy, just another pretty little fleshlight w
