
Adultconnect pics

How do you confuse a blind person? Toss them a basketball and ask them to read it.

How do you confuse a blind person? Toss them a basketball and ask them to read it.

AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect, AdultConnect_usa

Hey, is your name Paul Revere? Because I want to give you a midnight ride!

Hey, is your name Paul Revere? Because I want to give you a midnight ride!

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa

I got tasered by a female cop the other night.. never have I laid eyes upon a more

I got tasered by a female cop the other night.. never have I laid eyes upon a more stunning beauty.

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa

My toilet stopped working today. He decided he's had enough of my shit

My toilet stopped working today. He decided he's had enough of my shit

AdultConnect_usa, AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk

"honey don't you think you're treating one of our kids unfairly?" "who?

"honey don't you think you're treating one of our kids unfairly?" "who? Tim, Felix or the fat one?"

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa, Adult_Network

There's a black man in my family tree... He's been hanging there for a while now.

There's a black man in my family tree... He's been hanging there for a while now.

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa, Adult_Network

If we have learned anything from the Friday the 13th movies, it's that Jason mainly

If we have learned anything from the Friday the 13th movies, it's that Jason mainly kills people having sex. Most of you should be good.

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa, Adult_Network

I wonder if Bruce Wayne ever wears a Batman t-shirt.

I wonder if Bruce Wayne ever wears a Batman t-shirt.

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa, Adult_Network

What do you call a black man who flies a plane? A pilot, you assholes.

What do you call a black man who flies a plane? A pilot, you assholes.

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa, Adult_Network, Swinger_City

Its poor! But, What happens when Supper stars fart in public? lol

Its poor! But, What happens when Supper stars fart in public? lol

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_uk, AdultConnect_usa, Adult_Network

What's the difference between an illegal Mexican and an autonomous robot...? Nothing...

What's the difference between an illegal Mexican and an autonomous robot...? Nothing... they were both made to steal American jobs.


What's the difference between an illegal Mexican and an autonomous robot...? Nothing...

What's the difference between an illegal Mexican and an autonomous robot...? Nothing... they were both made to steal American jobs.


I visited Amsterdam this summer, and decided to have sex with a prostitute. It was

I visited Amsterdam this summer, and decided to have sex with a prostitute. It was an overall positive experience. Sadly, it was an HIV positive experience.


It's comforting to know that the US government works the same way as a college student

It's comforting to know that the US government works the same way as a college student when it comes to deadlines... They both wait until the last minute, then get an extension.


I tried googling Wiz Khalifa ... But all I found was MIa Khalifa peeing .

I tried googling Wiz Khalifa ... But all I found was MIa Khalifa peeing .

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_usa

What did the Marine Biologist say when he saw two eels making love? "It's a

What did the Marine Biologist say when he saw two eels making love? "It's a Moray."

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_usa

Having the option to erase and re-record after having to leave a voicemail is one

Having the option to erase and re-record after having to leave a voicemail is one of my favorite things about life.

AdultConnect_usa, AdultConnect_uk

Browsing this sub is like mining in a cave Full of bat shit and I mostly get the

Browsing this sub is like mining in a cave Full of bat shit and I mostly get the same things over again, but it's worth the occasional gold I find.

AdultConnect_usa, AdultConnect_uk

What is the favorite food joint of dubstep makers? Sub-WUB-WUB-WUB-way

What is the favorite food joint of dubstep makers? Sub-WUB-WUB-WUB-way

AdultConnect, AdultConnect_usa

What do you call a blonde in a BMW? Optional.

What do you call a blonde in a BMW? Optional.


What idiot called her a Hot Indian Girl and not a Bomb Bae

What idiot called her a Hot Indian Girl and not a Bomb Bae


What do you call a racist dog from Animal Crossing? KKK Slider

What do you call a racist dog from Animal Crossing? KKK Slider


What is the internal temperature of a tauntaun? Luke warm

What is the internal temperature of a tauntaun? Luke warm


*Guy tries giving me his phone number* Me: Oh no thank you. I already have one

*Guy tries giving me his phone number* Me: Oh no thank you. I already have one


What do you call Jay-Z having a leg transplant? A hip-hop hip op.

What do you call Jay-Z having a leg transplant? A hip-hop hip op.


In China the labels read, "Made by someone you know."

In China the labels read, "Made by someone you know."


Donald Trump Does this count as putting the punchline in the title?

Donald Trump Does this count as putting the punchline in the title?


Pokemon Go has really improved my life... I used to always get in trouble for playing

Pokemon Go has really improved my life... I used to always get in trouble for playing with my balls outside.


Jared Fogle was guilty and got 16 years He was just grateful for anything under 18.

Jared Fogle was guilty and got 16 years He was just grateful for anything under 18. Credit to SNL that joke might have converted me to watch.


A Bug's Mind What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when he crashes

A Bug's Mind What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when he crashes into a windshield? His asshole.


My best friend and I were comparing our penises... for who has the biggest. It ended

My best friend and I were comparing our penises... for who has the biggest. It ended in a tie.


What's the difference between coriander and cumin? You can't coriander your pants.

What's the difference between coriander and cumin? You can't coriander your pants.


Orange Julius is the third best thing to happen to oranges behind mimosas and the

Orange Julius is the third best thing to happen to oranges behind mimosas and the "orange you glad I didn't say banana" knock knock joke


Prostitutes hate trick-or-treaters.

Prostitutes hate trick-or-treaters.





Where do you find an enlightened mosquito? In Bhuddapest

Where do you find an enlightened mosquito? In Bhuddapest


Why did the Canadian cross the road? Because that's the direction his car was sliding.

Why did the Canadian cross the road? Because that's the direction his car was sliding.


What did the wise man say to the fat guy? You should probably go on a diet.

What did the wise man say to the fat guy? You should probably go on a diet.


What do you call kangarooo jump and play hocky? the fam copter

What do you call kangarooo jump and play hocky? the fam copter


Now what's on the menu? Me-n-u

Now what's on the menu? Me-n-u


When are they going to drug test the audience of "The Price Is Right."?

When are they going to drug test the audience of "The Price Is Right."? No one should be that happy.


I like my steak like I like my women. White and domineering.

I like my steak like I like my women. White and domineering.


This hating of people who breast feed in public places has to stop! I'll raise my

This hating of people who breast feed in public places has to stop! I'll raise my dog however I like.


I complained to my wife that I was short staffed at work She responded "yeah,

I complained to my wife that I was short staffed at work She responded "yeah, and you have the same problem at home"


Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? Because they could spend

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? Because they could spend years at C.


Pro tip: If a woman asks you how she looks, the correct answer is not "like

Pro tip: If a woman asks you how she looks, the correct answer is not "like Dan Aykroyd."


I like Tuesday simply because it is literally the furthest from next Monday I can

I like Tuesday simply because it is literally the furthest from next Monday I can possibly be.


What did Jay say when Adnan opened the trunk? Hae girl Hae

What did Jay say when Adnan opened the trunk? Hae girl Hae


A woman's JJ sized breasts saved her life in a car accident. Those same breasts were

A woman's JJ sized breasts saved her life in a car accident. Those same breasts were the cause of her husbands death in a motorboating accident.


[at my funeral] So young, how did he die? He ran into oncoming traffic after walking

[at my funeral] So young, how did he die? He ran into oncoming traffic after walking past a group of adults saying the word "bae"


"What's that?" A divorce jar. Every time we fight you put a dollar in and

"What's that?" A divorce jar. Every time we fight you put a dollar in and I'm a little bit closer to freedom. *puts in dollar* "WTH!?!"


Descartes walks into the bar. The bartender asks him, "will you have your usual

Descartes walks into the bar. The bartender asks him, "will you have your usual tonight?" Rene replies "I think not" and he disappears.


What's the worse thing to do to a blind person? Leave a plunger in the toilet

What's the worse thing to do to a blind person? Leave a plunger in the toilet


What did one tampon say to the other tampon? Nothing they were both stuck up cunts.

What did one tampon say to the other tampon? Nothing they were both stuck up cunts.


What do grandparents smell like? "Depends"

What do grandparents smell like? "Depends"





Steve wrote home. 'I'm glad you named me Steve' he said in the letter. 'Why?' asked

Steve wrote home. 'I'm glad you named me Steve' he said in the letter. 'Why?' asked his mother in her reply. 'Because that's what all the kids at camp call me' he wrote back.


Finally got around to shaving my crotch after a few years. Its nice to see my knees

Finally got around to shaving my crotch after a few years. Its nice to see my knees again.


How do you stop a baby from crawling in circles? Nail its other hand to the floor.

How do you stop a baby from crawling in circles? Nail its other hand to the floor.


What did the hillbilly say to his sister after she asked him to have sex with her?

What did the hillbilly say to his sister after she asked him to have sex with her? If you incest.
