
Antihatecommunities pics

13 year old Christian girl, kidnapped, forcefully converted, married, raped repeatedly

13 year old Christian girl, kidnapped, forcefully converted, married, raped repeatedly and made pregnant by a 44 year old man who has kids of that age || And Pakistani court makes it legal

NoahGetTheBoat, PakistanAtrocityWatch, pakistan, Chodi, JustUnsubbed, exmuslim, excusemewhatthefuck, awfuleverything, svihs, HowGodWorks, AntiHateCommunities, ShitLiberalsSay, KGBTR, rationalpakistan

Absolutely disgusting.

Absolutely disgusting.


Amazon ending fascism and racism with a single change

Amazon ending fascism and racism with a single change


Omnigender BIPOC Deluxia encounters a typical Reddit conservative

Omnigender BIPOC Deluxia encounters a typical Reddit conservative


Disgusting, overt, outright, blatant, mask OFF, UNIRONIC, SHAMELESS, UNABASHED, OSTENTATIOUS

Disgusting, overt, outright, blatant, mask OFF, UNIRONIC, SHAMELESS, UNABASHED, OSTENTATIOUS TRANSPHOBIA IN r/TIHI aka "Thanks, I hate it" AKA "TRANS, I HATE IT"


r/RaceplayIsFun, a subreddit for crackers larping as BIPOCS, even using slurs. Yikes.

r/RaceplayIsFun, a subreddit for crackers larping as BIPOCS, even using slurs. Yikes.
