
Weighted pics

Lost some weight and started li[f]ting weights.  Does GW approve? More in comments.

Lost some weight and started li[f]ting weights. Does GW approve? More in comments.


[50/50]Vaginal weight training (NSFW)|Weight related bone breaking (NSFL)

[50/50]Vaginal weight training (NSFW)|Weight related bone breaking (NSFL)


(x-post from r/progresspics) 6'/M/29 Well.. my weight loss journey began 9 months

(x-post from r/progresspics) 6'/M/29 Well.. my weight loss journey began 9 months ago and tonight I hit my goal weight. Eating right and Crossfit did the trick for me. I'm having so much fun I've already set another goal. Thanks again to my fiancé for pus


25/f/5'5. 165>147lbs = 18 lbs Always have had weight problems. Previously

25/f/5'5. 165>147lbs = 18 lbs Always have had weight problems. Previously as a teen went from 200>140, had a child, gained more weight now I've lost it again!!


2009 was a hell o{f} a year. Went thru a lot, lost a ton of weight and this is my

2009 was a hell o{f} a year. Went thru a lot, lost a ton of weight and this is my lowest adult weight, about 250. Thinner but not happier. SFW


(NSFW) Slightly terrified, but this is my three week weight lifting progress after

(NSFW) Slightly terrified, but this is my three week weight lifting progress after an initial loss (5'6" 25F 215-35=180). Weight is plateauing after loss and I'm stuck. Any advice?! My goal is 150ish.


M/28/6'4" [255lbs > 200lbs = 55lbs] (24 months) (nsfw undies) Took me

M/28/6'4" [255lbs > 200lbs = 55lbs] (24 months) (nsfw undies) Took me two separate periods of weight loss, but I finally got back to high school weight!


F/26/5'3" 207-170. About halfway to my goal weight, and just last night I got

F/26/5'3" 207-170. About halfway to my goal weight, and just last night I got my first "have you lost weight?!" :) [NSFW - undies]


F/22/5'3 [147lbs > 123lbs = -24lbs] Started Jan 14, second picture taken last

F/22/5'3 [147lbs > 123lbs = -24lbs] Started Jan 14, second picture taken last Oct when I was at my lowest weight. I've gained a little since then and it's been a real struggle to shift the weight again. Just posting this as reminder of what I can achie


Testing the waters before I jump in- just medically retired from the Army, I've been

Testing the waters before I jump in- just medically retired from the Army, I've been losing the weight gained from my injuries! Never looked fat, but I looked bigger than my normal weight... Let's see where this goes :D

RealGirls, GoneMild

Sexy weight loss post? Sure why not! (F/21/200lbs to 175lbs) after weight loss!

Sexy weight loss post? Sure why not! (F/21/200lbs to 175lbs) after weight loss!


F/19/5'2/90lb // I get a lot of criticism over my weight, but I've never once been

F/19/5'2/90lb // I get a lot of criticism over my weight, but I've never once been told by a doctor I need to gain weight, so I'm content with it.


F/26/5'7 [170-148 = 22lbs lost] I posted here a few weeks ago when I was 155. I surpassed

F/26/5'7 [170-148 = 22lbs lost] I posted here a few weeks ago when I was 155. I surpassed my goal weight, trying to do it in a more healthy way since the weight loss was sparked by a breakup. Sorry the collage cut off a bit but you get the idea! NSFW


F/29/5’3 [225>180=45] 8 months Back Progress lots of weight left to lose

F/29/5’3 [225>180=45] 8 months Back Progress lots of weight left to lose but adding in weight training seems to be making quite a difference


M/36/6'5 [286lbs > 231lbs = 55lbs] weight loss progress. Hit my college freshman

M/36/6'5 [286lbs > 231lbs = 55lbs] weight loss progress. Hit my college freshman playing weight, now aiming for high school.


Been feeling pretty ok with my body the last few weeks. I've been gaining and losing

Been feeling pretty ok with my body the last few weeks. I've been gaining and losing weight all my life, but have been more stable the last couple years. I was even over 90 kg about 10 years ago, but slowly lost weight and learned to love my body however

normalnudes, RateMyNudeBody

F/35/5'2" [137lbs > 124lbs = 13lbs] Small amount of weight makes a big

F/35/5'2" [137lbs > 124lbs = 13lbs] Small amount of weight makes a big difference on short people. Closing in on my goal weight!


M/26/6'2" [227lbs > 212.3bs = 15lbs] (1 month) weight loss for one month!

M/26/6'2" [227lbs > 212.3bs = 15lbs] (1 month) weight loss for one month! I have a lot of skin from previous weight loss. NSFW- Hottie in underwear


F/24/5'8" [193lbs > 160lbs = 33lbs] (8 months) I start off unintentionally

F/24/5'8" [193lbs > 160lbs = 33lbs] (8 months) I start off unintentionally losing weight by getting a severe case of mono and dealing with a rough breakup. Now I'm continuing my weight loss journey with healthy eating and daily walks with my Tilly.


M/19/6'2 [255lbs > 190lbs = 65lbs] I used to blame my weight on everything

M/19/6'2 [255lbs > 190lbs = 65lbs] I used to blame my weight on everything but myself. Started eating less and going to the gym and hey, losing weight is pretty damn easy!


F/26/5'9" [165>135>160= -5lbs] calorie deficit weight loss versus

F/26/5'9" [165>135>160= -5lbs] calorie deficit weight loss versus IF and lifting. The biggest 5lbs I've ever lost! I couldn't believe I was almost back to my starting weight!


M/24/6'1" [300lb> 273lb>250lb = 50lb] started actively losing

M/24/6'1" [300lb> 273lb>250lb = 50lb] started actively losing weight on new years when I maxed out my scale. Still working towards my goal weight of 175.


F21/5'4/138 lbs. Please ignore the clothes on the floor, my room is constantly messy

F21/5'4/138 lbs. Please ignore the clothes on the floor, my room is constantly messy but I'm in the process of sorting things. Just wanted to show an update to my weight loss progress, I'm pretty close to my goal weight now and I'm happier than ever with

normalnudes, HairyPussy

F/30/5'7" [154 > 143.6 = 10.4 lbs] (10 weeks) With a combo of CICO, strength

F/30/5'7" [154 > 143.6 = 10.4 lbs] (10 weeks) With a combo of CICO, strength training, and barre classes, I have officially lost the weight of my cat! One more cat until my goal weight!


F/24/5'3 [168.8lbs > 148.8lbs = -20lbs] highest weight was 174lbs. CICO, pilates,

F/24/5'3 [168.8lbs > 148.8lbs = -20lbs] highest weight was 174lbs. CICO, pilates, 10k steps per day. Goal weight: 125lbs


M/27/5’10” [315lbs > 175lbs = 140lbs lost] It took me about 1.5 years

M/27/5’10” [315lbs > 175lbs = 140lbs lost] It took me about 1.5 years to lose the weight. I now focus more on building muscle and maintaining a healthy weight. Any questions about workouts/meals are welcome! I know how much help I needed and it was all


Definitely the Most Unorthodox Weight Loss Method I've Seen [M Human -> F

Definitely the Most Unorthodox Weight Loss Method I've Seen [M Human -> F Squirrel Girl; MTF/TGTF; Weight Loss] - Railgun04


M/32/5'10" - [185/160/168]. 2 months progress of now trying to put on lean weight.

M/32/5'10" - [185/160/168]. 2 months progress of now trying to put on lean weight. Hit my leanest back in June at 160, and started eating maintenance calories with weights 6 days a week and cardio 4 times a week. I've loved the support from all of you and


M/37/5’6” [181 > 151 = 30 lbs] My weight had steadily climbed over the

M/37/5’6” [181 > 151 = 30 lbs] My weight had steadily climbed over the last three years, but I am now at my lowest weight since college (15 years ago).


M/28/5’8” [260 - 185 = 75] I started my weight loss journey in April 2019 by

M/28/5’8” [260 - 185 = 75] I started my weight loss journey in April 2019 by running a few miles every day. I kept up with that and starting lifting weights 4 days a week back in January. Proud of my progress but more work to be done.


M/29/6’4” [255lbs -> 230lbs = 25lbs over 8mo] Weight loss and lifting

M/29/6’4” [255lbs -> 230lbs = 25lbs over 8mo] Weight loss and lifting progress after I bought some weights for my garage. Please disregard the stupid face I was finishing up filming a deadlift set and was totally out of breath lol.


M/32/5’10” [172lbs > 171. 9lbs =00.1 ] for anyone feeling "stuck"

M/32/5’10” [172lbs > 171. 9lbs =00.1 ] for anyone feeling "stuck" at their current weight. Keep lifting those weights, running those miles. You'll never be stuck if you keep moving!


F/21/5’9 [172 > 168 = 4lbs] I initially had lost 12 pounds of mostly water

F/21/5’9 [172 > 168 = 4lbs] I initially had lost 12 pounds of mostly water weight and then started recomping two months ago and gained water weight but also lots of new muscle. I’m proud there’s finally some visible progress. Still want to gain 10 lbs


25M 6'5"/240lbs- Have gained some weight recently after starting back to school.

25M 6'5"/240lbs- Have gained some weight recently after starting back to school. Trying to run more and get that weight off. What are your thoughts about me?


M/27/5/10” [159 > 170 = 11 lbs] Transitioned from heavy cardio &

M/27/5/10” [159 > 170 = 11 lbs] Transitioned from heavy cardio & no weights to moderate cardio & heavy weights. 10 Month difference (Jan - Nov)


8 week weight loss. The latest (week 8) photo was over a month ago at this point.

8 week weight loss. The latest (week 8) photo was over a month ago at this point. I have since maintained my weight loss and am trying to pack on more muscle. This was a 23:1 with a few multi days to kick things off.


F/30/5’10” [155-165-170 = 15+] (2 Years) Its been two years since I originally

F/30/5’10” [155-165-170 = 15+] (2 Years) Its been two years since I originally lost 30 lbs and then gained it all back switching from cardio to weights. Body image can be a bitch, but this reminds me that adding the weight back and seeing the number on th


M/22/5’11” [210lbs > 137lbs > 180lbs = 30lbs] (2 years 8 months)

M/22/5’11” [210lbs > 137lbs > 180lbs = 30lbs] (2 years 8 months) Focused only on cardio, developed very unhealthy eating habits and lost too much weight. Slowly gained weight back to where I’m at today. It’s only been a month of serious resistance t


Do you enjoy the results of my 7 year weight loss and weight lifting journey? :)

Do you enjoy the results of my 7 year weight loss and weight lifting journey? :)


I think 7 years of natural weight loss/weight lifting paid off. I hope you like it.

I think 7 years of natural weight loss/weight lifting paid off. I hope you like it. :)


Guess who's back and fatter than ever~! The winter weight is now spring weight lmao

Guess who's back and fatter than ever~! The winter weight is now spring weight lmao

Stuffers, u_fedcar273

F 135 lbs 5'1' My stomach is lumpy unless I get down to a very low weight, and I'd

F 135 lbs 5'1' My stomach is lumpy unless I get down to a very low weight, and I'd give anything to have a tight, flat tummy like a lot of women have even at higher weights
