
Pimple Popping pics

Very very sorry. Didn't know where to post this. But popped a pimple the other day

Very very sorry. Didn't know where to post this. But popped a pimple the other day and turned into this. NSFW pics included :( what do I do


[50/50] Popping water balloons | Magnified pimple NSFW/L

[50/50] Popping water balloons | Magnified pimple NSFW/L


NSFW/NSFL Huge pimple or something above xiphoid process - who thinks it'd be a bad

NSFW/NSFL Huge pimple or something above xiphoid process - who thinks it'd be a bad idea to try popping it myself? And why?


This popped out of what I thought was a pimple on my balls. Magnified by 5.6

This popped out of what I thought was a pimple on my balls. Magnified by 5.6


When you find a pimple that needs popping

When you find a pimple that needs popping


Whats wrong with my heel it sometimes itches a ton. There was also a sort of pimple

Whats wrong with my heel it sometimes itches a ton. There was also a sort of pimple that I popped and pus came out. Do I need to see a doctor?
