
Passed Away pics

(first) Half [M]ast salute to an ex who served & passed away last year, today,

(first) Half [M]ast salute to an ex who served & passed away last year, today, in iraq


My lovebird, who sadly passed away a few weeks ago, in her favorite cuddling spot!

My lovebird, who sadly passed away a few weeks ago, in her favorite cuddling spot!


Reddit, when I was a kid I destroyed a picture of my mom's siblings who have passed

Reddit, when I was a kid I destroyed a picture of my mom's siblings who have passed away. Can anyone help me fix it?


A warrior friend I've been playing with since 2005 passed away recently. Here is

A warrior friend I've been playing with since 2005 passed away recently. Here is his obituary. Your tanking skills and personality will be missed.


This is a picture that my daughter drew that was intended to be a tattoo for the

This is a picture that my daughter drew that was intended to be a tattoo for the friend of a redditor who had pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately she passed away before being able to get it. NSFW if you shouldn't view drawn breasts.


The love of my life passed away recently. Would love to see Reddit draw one of my

The love of my life passed away recently. Would love to see Reddit draw one of my favourite pictures of her.


My grandma passed away recently and we were going through her pictures. She grew

My grandma passed away recently and we were going through her pictures. She grew up on a small pacific island and has some gorgeous old photos. This is one of my favorites. [NSFW]

pics, OldSchoolCool

(NSFW) My cousin is working on the house his great grandparents lived in before they

(NSFW) My cousin is working on the house his great grandparents lived in before they passed away, and found these inside. (x-post /r/wtf)


found this in my great grandfather's house after he recently passed away...

found this in my great grandfather's house after he recently passed away...


Here's a picture of my gay, autistic, atheist grandpa who recently passed away.

Here's a picture of my gay, autistic, atheist grandpa who recently passed away.


RIP Violet. She passed away last summer [f]rom a series of multiple seizures.

RIP Violet. She passed away last summer [f]rom a series of multiple seizures.


My Godfather passed away, I inherited a Fortune of Reddit Gold, Up-vote for Free

My Godfather passed away, I inherited a Fortune of Reddit Gold, Up-vote for Free Reddit gold


Here's a link for the gofundme site to raise money for a memorial to commemorate

Here's a link for the gofundme site to raise money for a memorial to commemorate Zach Shady Adamson. A 2013 thru hiker and Army Ranger who passed away January 9th. More info in comments. Picture may be NSFW.


Mom-in-law asked me to clean-out my Dad-in-laws workshop who passed away several

Mom-in-law asked me to clean-out my Dad-in-laws workshop who passed away several years ago and I found this.. I had no clue. [auto-x-post - OP was fatkiddown]


My dad passed away from cancer 6 months ago. I recently got the last thing he ever

My dad passed away from cancer 6 months ago. I recently got the last thing he ever wrote to me tattooed on my rib cage. It's been surprisingly healing having gone through this experience and thought I would share for anyone who's going through something s


Nice MayMay Man has passed away. Even in death, he refuses to close his mouth.

Nice MayMay Man has passed away. Even in death, he refuses to close his mouth.


After my step moms step mom passed away she was going through her home in Australia

After my step moms step mom passed away she was going through her home in Australia and found this little gem of a picture. NSFW


Today my friend of 7 years passed away. I'll never forget the fun we had together,

Today my friend of 7 years passed away. I'll never forget the fun we had together, the things we saw that we still can't unsee. RIP little buddy.


It was 9 years ago today that my dad passed away so I thought i'd share this photo

It was 9 years ago today that my dad passed away so I thought i'd share this photo of him in the 80's.


Hey guys, I am getting a present for my aunt whose daughter passed away after 24

Hey guys, I am getting a present for my aunt whose daughter passed away after 24 hours. I saw that story about the man who did the same thing, if you could photoshop this picture so that she doesn't have tape and tubes everywhere that would be amazing. Pl


I'm another father whose son passed away after a week in the hospital. Raymond would've

I'm another father whose son passed away after a week in the hospital. Raymond would've been 5 next month born 24wks 1.5lbs 1 of 3. Would be awesome to have a pic of him without all the tubes. Appreciate the help photoshop wizards!


My gay autistic grandma passed away tomorrow after being infected with Ebola found

My gay autistic grandma passed away tomorrow after being infected with Ebola found in the water she used for her ice bucket challenge. This is the last picture taken of her. Wasn't she beautiful? Upvote for visibility to raise awareness for Ebloa. (I'm no


Can one of you photoshop heros remove the tubes from my son Jake's face please? He

Can one of you photoshop heros remove the tubes from my son Jake's face please? He sadly passed away on Sunday so want some good photos to remember him by. thanks!


Rider passed away after he got hit by drunk driver. Please don't drink and drive.

Rider passed away after he got hit by drunk driver. Please don't drink and drive.


Man holds his dog that passed away from smoke inhalation. [x-post r/pics]

Man holds his dog that passed away from smoke inhalation. [x-post r/pics]

MorbidReality, Awww

This woman had (passed away 1958) severe facial deformity

This woman had (passed away 1958) severe facial deformity


I found this picture in my grandfather's attic after he passed away, i thought you

I found this picture in my grandfather's attic after he passed away, i thought you would like it:)


[PAID] My nephew passed away after just 45 days alive in the NICU. I'm wanting to

[PAID] My nephew passed away after just 45 days alive in the NICU. I'm wanting to cross stitch a portrait for my sister and her SO, but the only good pictures of him have all of his tubes showing. I would love anything I make for them to show just him.


What Dr Suess was really working on before he passed away...

What Dr Suess was really working on before he passed away...


Ehud Arye Laniado preferred the day/date in white gold before passing away during

Ehud Arye Laniado preferred the day/date in white gold before passing away during a penis enlargement procedure


Yesterday, someone close to me passed away. On top of being incredibly supportive,

Yesterday, someone close to me passed away. On top of being incredibly supportive, my teeny drew me this perfect drawing in order to cheer me up. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, kitty


My Meemaw, 1994. Passed away last night. I'll always miss you meemaw.

My Meemaw, 1994. Passed away last night. I'll always miss you meemaw.


Woodpecker passed away :( Can anyone identify what the swelling is? Is it a fracture?

Woodpecker passed away :( Can anyone identify what the swelling is? Is it a fracture?


[Deceased] What's this bird? Found passed away at a feeder in northern Wisconsin.

[Deceased] What's this bird? Found passed away at a feeder in northern Wisconsin.
