
Mildlyinfuriating pics

YouTube stopping the song entirely when I upvote, just to pull more G+ bullshit.

YouTube stopping the song entirely when I upvote, just to pull more G+ bullshit.


these commercials in the backround

these commercials in the backround


There is no denim in this denim advert, in fact there are barely any clothes (NSFW)

There is no denim in this denim advert, in fact there are barely any clothes (NSFW)


Classy Mother FIXED (X-POST FROM /r/funny) [NSFW]

Classy Mother FIXED (X-POST FROM /r/funny) [NSFW]


It always happens with a picture that really gets my attention.

It always happens with a picture that really gets my attention.


I can't click over this little bar and it refuses to go away (NSFW)

I can't click over this little bar and it refuses to go away (NSFW)


When the YouTube suggestions are mostly crap.

When the YouTube suggestions are mostly crap.


These jokes in porn. (Not NSFW)

These jokes in porn. (Not NSFW)


[NSFW] For fucks sake...

[NSFW] For fucks sake...


When FB won't let me post a link to a website but girl can post photos from her "party"

When FB won't let me post a link to a website but girl can post photos from her "party"


Who knew a saran wrap serrated edge could suck so much.

Who knew a saran wrap serrated edge could suck so much.


Close that damn ice maker!

Close that damn ice maker!


Never had French Toast Crunch as a kid. Bought a box as an adult and my mother goes

Never had French Toast Crunch as a kid. Bought a box as an adult and my mother goes and does this [possibly NSFW]


three please

three please


This girls panties on GoneWild

This girls panties on GoneWild


Someone from reddit kiked me and copy and pasted 3 pages of sexts to send me. What's

Someone from reddit kiked me and copy and pasted 3 pages of sexts to send me. What's worse is he admitted it. [NSFW]


How alienblue opens gyfcat links (no, you can't scroll left) [nsfw-ish]

How alienblue opens gyfcat links (no, you can't scroll left) [nsfw-ish]


People using dead children to beg for likes, comments and shares.

People using dead children to beg for likes, comments and shares.


Dear draft kings, the fact I see your ads every 5 seconds on tv, I'm ok with... But

Dear draft kings, the fact I see your ads every 5 seconds on tv, I'm ok with... But as soon as you mess with my evening mobile activity, I get upset. NSFW


Massive Spoilers in the Title of an Article (Game of Thrones Spoilers)

Massive Spoilers in the Title of an Article (Game of Thrones Spoilers)


The Facebook reporting system which fails to see doggy style.

The Facebook reporting system which fails to see doggy style.


Go fuck yourself

Go fuck yourself


Whale With Graffiti

Whale With Graffiti


When people leave their toys laying around [NSFW]

When people leave their toys laying around [NSFW]


The font of the quarter clock is different from the font of the scoring bar

The font of the quarter clock is different from the font of the scoring bar


Trying to show my mother something funny, thanks imgur.

Trying to show my mother something funny, thanks imgur.


*sigh* college kids suck.

*sigh* college kids suck.


Can we have an option to only have non NSFW ads? Seriously, people around me don't

Can we have an option to only have non NSFW ads? Seriously, people around me don't need to think I'm looking at porn


I deleted my facebook app, and they started sending me text messages. If you respond

I deleted my facebook app, and they started sending me text messages. If you respond to the text, it posts as a comment. [NSFW language]


people who keep their keyboards like this

people who keep their keyboards like this


When tips touch.

When tips touch.


Fuckwits that think they are so important that they have plaster their 'tags' on

Fuckwits that think they are so important that they have plaster their 'tags' on public trains destroying the simple pleasure of looking out the window.


Adult potty training should be mandatory

Adult potty training should be mandatory


Pulling hard on her dog's leash and walking away after it poops on the heavily trafficked

Pulling hard on her dog's leash and walking away after it poops on the heavily trafficked sidewalk


Boost for Reddit decides that, despite me filtering the word "rapist" from

Boost for Reddit decides that, despite me filtering the word "rapist" from my feed, that I really must want to to see posts about "Brock the Rapist".


Being a courtesy clerk and doing the janitors work all the time

Being a courtesy clerk and doing the janitors work all the time


Graph paper that's neither metric nor imperial (7 mm squares)

Graph paper that's neither metric nor imperial (7 mm squares)


A co-worker of mine asks why I have the forks of my lifted tilted down when there's

A co-worker of mine asks why I have the forks of my lifted tilted down when there's no foot traffic. He then proceeded to turn it on and do this


Hey Twitter, thank you for keeping me updated on important news, like this one. (why

Hey Twitter, thank you for keeping me updated on important news, like this one. (why the FUCK is this recommended to me?!?)


I keep getting this ad even after I reported it.

I keep getting this ad even after I reported it.


When your blood won't clot when you have a bleeding nose

When your blood won't clot when you have a bleeding nose


Christ, youtube...

Christ, youtube...


Whoever used the customer restroom at work and didn't flush this

Whoever used the customer restroom at work and didn't flush this


Little sister left cheese on our R2D2 Xbox 360

Little sister left cheese on our R2D2 Xbox 360


Restaurants that serve cold butter, causing the bread to break when you spread it

Restaurants that serve cold butter, causing the bread to break when you spread it


My grandparents watched this TV for over a year. "We hardly notice it anymore."

My grandparents watched this TV for over a year. "We hardly notice it anymore."


Thank you for being child-friendly, youtube!

Thank you for being child-friendly, youtube!


These adds I'm getting on YouTube. And I can't even report them or mark them as inappropriate

These adds I'm getting on YouTube. And I can't even report them or mark them as inappropriate >:(


YouTube bent over backwards for COPPA and punished many creators for content they

YouTube bent over backwards for COPPA and punished many creators for content they deem inappropriate, but their platform is flooded with ads like this.


While YouTube is demonitizing people for swearing, this sh*t is apparently appropriate

While YouTube is demonitizing people for swearing, this sh*t is apparently appropriate (girl masterbating as an ad).


Drowning animals for views on YouTube

Drowning animals for views on YouTube


When they don't make my fav MLP one.

When they don't make my fav MLP one.


This suggestive add that keeps pooping up on Reddit Boost every other post

This suggestive add that keeps pooping up on Reddit Boost every other post


My dog somehow got onto my desk and decided to poop on my textbook

My dog somehow got onto my desk and decided to poop on my textbook


Was crying outside because I can't afford my $17 epilepsy meds. Dog tried to comfort

Was crying outside because I can't afford my $17 epilepsy meds. Dog tried to comfort me, ended up knocking off my glasses and breaking the arm off. Cool. She tried, though.


Mods deleting this post without trying to help this redditor who is clearly in a

Mods deleting this post without trying to help this redditor who is clearly in a bad place. This probably made them feel even worse.


NSFW. What happens when I let my boyfriend use my earphones.

NSFW. What happens when I let my boyfriend use my earphones.


This NSFW ‘Joke of the Day’ that showed up on my six-year-old’s iPhone. Before

This NSFW ‘Joke of the Day’ that showed up on my six-year-old’s iPhone. Before anybody says ‘wHy DoEs YoUr cHiLd HaVe IpHoNe’, it’s my old phone he uses for games. All parental controls are on and I blocked all other forms of internet access.
