
Jewe pics

but... Thats Jews, right? (xpost from imgoingtohellforthis)

but... Thats Jews, right? (xpost from imgoingtohellforthis)

funny, ImGoingToHellForThis, eddit7yearsago, eddit8yearsago

"Last Jew of Vinnitsa". Member of Einsatzgruppe D is just about to shoot

"Last Jew of Vinnitsa". Member of Einsatzgruppe D is just about to shoot a Jewish man kneeling before a filled mass grave in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, in 1941. All 28,000 Jews from Vinnitsa and its surrounding areas were killed.


my friends call me the "bear jew" because i have chest hair...and i'm a

my friends call me the "bear jew" because i have chest hair...and i'm a jew


I'm just a Jew, a lonely Jew. I can't be merry, cuz I'm Hebrew on Christmas (f)

I'm just a Jew, a lonely Jew. I can't be merry, cuz I'm Hebrew on Christmas (f)


Daily reminder that /pol/ is winning the #HashtagWars by out-Jewing the Jews

Daily reminder that /pol/ is winning the #HashtagWars by out-Jewing the Jews


The last Jew in Vinnitsa, 1941.[1000x1248] shows a member of Einsatzgruppe D just

The last Jew in Vinnitsa, 1941.[1000x1248] shows a member of Einsatzgruppe D just about to shoot a Jewish man kneeling before a filled mass grave in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. All 28,000 Jews from Vinnitsa and its surrounding areas were massacred at the time.


A Jew proving he is a Jew with his Jewish lies on Jewddit.

A Jew proving he is a Jew with his Jewish lies on Jewddit.


Aussie pretends to be a Jew

Aussie pretends to be a Jew


Happy Jew Year! :P

Happy Jew Year! :P


Hanging execution of the "Edelweiss Pirates". These young men were anti-Nazi,

Hanging execution of the "Edelweiss Pirates". These young men were anti-Nazi, refused to join the Hitler Youth, helped shelter Jews and army deserters, sabotaged and raided German trains, and listened to outlawed Jazz music. (Cologne, Germany - 1944) [690

HistoryPorn, HistoryFans, NoSillySuffix

I'm not saying that Jews did WTC, but... Jews did WTC.

I'm not saying that Jews did WTC, but... Jews did WTC.


How you know you live in a Jew free area

How you know you live in a Jew free area


Does this make my phone a Jew?

Does this make my phone a Jew?


G.I Jew

G.I Jew


He murdered all the Jews and stole their Jew-gold.

He murdered all the Jews and stole their Jew-gold.


Drainage canals in Germany are so clean they even have Jews in them.

Drainage canals in Germany are so clean they even have Jews in them.


Juicy Jew

Juicy Jew


Fragile jews: jew guy thinks asian girls who don't date outside their race are racist,

Fragile jews: jew guy thinks asian girls who don't date outside their race are racist, but simultaneously thinks jewish girls dating out is genocide


When you can't ethnic cleanse the Jews yourself, invite the Muslims to come do it

When you can't ethnic cleanse the Jews yourself, invite the Muslims to come do it for you.


The Jew trap

The Jew trap


classic jew move

classic jew move


For the Jew on the go

For the Jew on the go


HAHA so funny and totally not about Jews!

HAHA so funny and totally not about Jews!


Hates blacks, Jews, and landlubbers

Hates blacks, Jews, and landlubbers

beholdthemasterrace, IASIP, shittytattoos