
Feminists pics

Everytime I lose a follower, it proves I'm a feminist, because I'm helping women

Everytime I lose a follower, it proves I'm a feminist, because I'm helping women love inferior males. And everytime I get a new follower, it proves I'm a feminist, because I'm respecting cool smart feminists' liberated will to prefer superior men. Feels s


If feminists want to have their own right to choose the man they consider most superior,

If feminists want to have their own right to choose the man they consider most superior, then they have to accept men's right to choose feminists inasmuch as feminists themselves assume their own inferiority and submission.


The degree of feminist wisdom and of feminist modernity is evident. Modern feminists'

The degree of feminist wisdom and of feminist modernity is evident. Modern feminists' female ancestors would be proud.


The big dilemma of feminists is the superior men they need and prefer don't need

The big dilemma of feminists is the superior men they need and prefer don't need and won't accept superior women, self-proclaimed superior women or feminists; whose consequence is feminists have to renounce and trample on feminism when it comes to keeping


/r/maledom's feminists, you are not actual feminists if you simply say you are feminist

/r/maledom's feminists, you are not actual feminists if you simply say you are feminist but you have to do non-feminist things for getting money or survival. It is not simple words what make you feminist, but real actions.


More feminist wiseness. If you say this is feminist, all feminists will agree.

More feminist wiseness. If you say this is feminist, all feminists will agree.


Contemporary feminists are wiser than ancient feminists because they've finally realized

Contemporary feminists are wiser than ancient feminists because they've finally realized and civilizedly admitted their female inferiority. Here you have another sophisticated contemporary feminist, sophisticatedly labeling her professional skills for ear


More feminist epistemology to you. Perhaps it doesn't produce science or technology

More feminist epistemology to you. Perhaps it doesn't produce science or technology directly by itself, but it makes men produce them, to feminists' benefit. (Also, somehow it gets feminists other important social positions among inferior men).


Yet another honored wise contemporary feminist. She's just earning his money. Or

Yet another honored wise contemporary feminist. She's just earning his money. Or maybe his superiority, if it's not professional porn but real life. In any case, it's the feminist earning method, aka female jobs, when it comes to getting what feminists re


So we have stated a solution to the conflict of the "submissive feminist"

So we have stated a solution to the conflict of the "submissive feminist" name: a submissive feminist is a woman that is submissive to Superior Men, but feminist to inferior men. So feminists are not that inconsistent; but it's rather an emotional, animal


So here we have two more feminists, running the new wave of feminism: the "feminism

So here we have two more feminists, running the new wave of feminism: the "feminism of not being feminist", aka "misogynous feminism". This new feminist trend is possible because female brain is complete, rather than consistent.


Here we have another sex positive feminist, positively loving sex. If this happened

Here we have another sex positive feminist, positively loving sex. If this happened in an underdeveloped country, feminists would consider it abuse and oppression. But since she is a First World consenting feminist, it is female empowerment and respectful


In the past this was a woman being mistreated; in the present this is a liberated

In the past this was a woman being mistreated; in the present this is a liberated feminist profession. feminists don't condemn rape or mistreatment; feminists condemn the lack of female consent, which, in turn, relies on male inferiority.


So would you like to know how could you get feminists shutting down feminism in less

So would you like to know how could you get feminists shutting down feminism in less than two years? Because that's what you're going to have once you manage to make womyn fully understand that being a complete, consummate feminist entails dropping Superi

maledom, anal

No, it is not contradictory if she is a feminist, because as a feminist she defends

No, it is not contradictory if she is a feminist, because as a feminist she defends artificial gender equality, which makes sense from the perspective of her female gender's biological inferiority (1850s' feminists would have a hard time watching the curr


Yes, even feminists, those artificial gender equality defenders, prefer superior

Yes, even feminists, those artificial gender equality defenders, prefer superior Men. So, if feminists prefer superior Men, then feminists believe in Male superiority.


You won't be the kind of Man this feminist is looking for if you don't hurt her.

You won't be the kind of Man this feminist is looking for if you don't hurt her. We all know feminist, superior womyn prefer inferior, feminist men who believe womyn have better things to offer than just their bodies


She used to be a conservative feminist, but thanks to the internet she's now a modern

She used to be a conservative feminist, but thanks to the internet she's now a modern sex positive feminist, after the internet helped her understand that feminists must have agency and freedom, but you ain't having too much agency or freedom if you are c


feminism is a movement of freedom. Thanks to freedom feminists can submit to superior

feminism is a movement of freedom. Thanks to freedom feminists can submit to superior Men and to patriarchy and still be feminist. This is why feminism is a movement of freedom. "Freedom" is the feminist euphemism for "superior Men". No feminism undoes fe


Despite our recent post on the subject, not all anti-feminist feminists are anti-feminist

Despite our recent post on the subject, not all anti-feminist feminists are anti-feminist as a way of not assuming female inferiority or consequent female preference by superior Men; some feminists go anti-feminist simply because they consider themselves


Keeping the gender equality feminist role play for the streets and for inferior men

Keeping the gender equality feminist role play for the streets and for inferior men doesn't make any feminist less of a feminist. feminism must be understood as a means or method feminists use where it is applicable and it's meant to be used


Because feminism is a nice thing except for a little problem: it is not sexy to the

Because feminism is a nice thing except for a little problem: it is not sexy to the superior Men feminists' female inferiority needs and prefers. This is why those Male-supremacy fighting feminists are never feminist to superior Men


feminism wanted to get a women's liberation in order to set feminists free from oppression,

feminism wanted to get a women's liberation in order to set feminists free from oppression, so feminists had the freedom and the right to choose what is best to themselves. Here you have a feminist liberatedly and freely choosing her best option. This is


Another feminist being what she tells inferior feminist men she's not. Actually feminists

Another feminist being what she tells inferior feminist men she's not. Actually feminists mean women are not inferior *to inferior men*


Modern feminist Patriarchy workers get money from the Patriarchy by serving the Patriarchy,

Modern feminist Patriarchy workers get money from the Patriarchy by serving the Patriarchy, exactly the same way pre-feminist oppressed women got money for their shoppings. Thanks to this money, feminist Patriarchy workers can pay for Internet access so t


Another feminist who earns money to be a Patriarchy worker, and who uses her feminist

Another feminist who earns money to be a Patriarchy worker, and who uses her feminist freedom to shit on feminism (cause it's freedom), or, who knows, maybe she does it to defend feminism, which would be even better. Luckily feminists support sex workers


Many women love Maledom, but they don't like /r/MD cause they think it's offensive.

Many women love Maledom, but they don't like /r/MD cause they think it's offensive. These women prefer a "feminist Maledom". A "feminist Maledom". If a concept construct like "feminist Maledom" can exist in the female mind, you can imagine female brain's


The idea that 2 people should be together to like each other is bullshit feminist

The idea that 2 people should be together to like each other is bullshit feminist roleplay sells to inferior men. It's the other way around: 2 people should like each other to be together; it's the reality-play feminists believe in, why feminists try to s


For instance, this modernistic anti-feminist choice feminist is using the female

For instance, this modernistic anti-feminist choice feminist is using the female freedom organizations like NOW had a foundational principle to defend. But now feminist organizations are starting to claim that female consent is not enough and female freed


female free-but-optimizing agency always chooses its optimal survival strategies,

female free-but-optimizing agency always chooses its optimal survival strategies, as this choice feminist is showing us, but this feminist is sending the subtle message that the new oppresive feminist wave that says female freedom is an illusion will oppr


So there you have it: anti-feminist feminists openly admit that gender wage gap does

So there you have it: anti-feminist feminists openly admit that gender wage gap does not exist, it's just another feminist victim fantasy and role play


Another misogynistic feminist, being misogynistic and not defending female superiority

Another misogynistic feminist, being misogynistic and not defending female superiority in order to amuse and so perhaps get accepted by a superior Men that only accepts women for inferior abuse meat. feminists just can't understand why are feminists so mi


Modern feminists are so free that being non-feminist, submissive and Male superiority

Modern feminists are so free that being non-feminist, submissive and Male superiority positive is what makes them feminist. After all superior women wouldn't need helping feminist policies. feminism is about freedom, no one said it was about intelligence,


Some feminists think I hate feminists, but it's actually feminists hating themselves

Some feminists think I hate feminists, but it's actually feminists hating themselves and hating feminism when striving to please the superior Men their female biological inferiority needs and prefers. feminists only love feminism when it's useful to them,


Yet another feminist showing that a feminist can be self-toiletification positive

Yet another feminist showing that a feminist can be self-toiletification positive and sexually qualified and this doesn't make her less of a feminist


First world feminists don't get the difference between rich countries' and poor countries'

First world feminists don't get the difference between rich countries' and poor countries' whores. Poor countries' feminists r whores bc it's their only option 2 earn money & survive. They're unwilling, false whores. Rich countries' feminists earn mon


So feminists have the freedom to choose not to approach a man. But if a man performs

So feminists have the freedom to choose not to approach a man. But if a man performs his freedom to choose not to approach a feminist, that man is destroying feminists' freedom and oppressing them. feminists want to see their freedom recognized without th


So feminists say if they go fully feminist and they choose not to shave their legs

So feminists say if they go fully feminist and they choose not to shave their legs then men won't approach them. That's false. If feminists go fully feminist and they don't shave their legs then inferior men will approach them. The problem is those Male s


So choice is fundamental in feminism and women using their own power to choose are

So choice is fundamental in feminism and women using their own power to choose are feminists. Modern feminists intelligently use their choice power to be non-feminist and to beg superior Men for mistreatment, oppression and Patriarchy. So being non-femini


Feminists be like...

Feminists be like...


MD feminists, remember: consent is sexy, but since r/MD is more feminist than feminism

MD feminists, remember: consent is sexy, but since r/MD is more feminist than feminism we state that begging is even sexier. So don't say this isn't a feminist subreddit; we're the most feminist subreddit


Another Patriarchy's fighter earning her shoppings as fuckmeat, the same way ancient

Another Patriarchy's fighter earning her shoppings as fuckmeat, the same way ancient pre-feminist Patriarchy's women did. She's doing it for feminist activism: she's showing her feminist freedom and smartness to submit to the Patriarchy and to not be femi


So every feminist demonstration you ever witness has just one underlying meaning

So every feminist demonstration you ever witness has just one underlying meaning and hope: the extinction of inferior men. You'll never hear a feminist say she prefers inferior men cause her superiority needs no superior Man. Here you have a feminist prot


You have all those popular feminists complaining about female devotion and submission

You have all those popular feminists complaining about female devotion and submission to superior Men, but then those feminists themselves are the ones devoting & submitting to superior Men. So you have those feminists complaining about their own devo


The "Feminist rebel leader" can lick and kiss my big ass. Humans don't

The "Feminist rebel leader" can lick and kiss my big ass. Humans don't care what you think, just shut up and show them your tits or ass. It's not that difficult to understand even for a dumb feminist cunt


Feminist Werewolf

Feminist Werewolf


Feminists caucus for Hillary Clinton

Feminists caucus for Hillary Clinton


Feminist by day, but by night...

Feminist by day, but by night...

OnOff, RealGirls

Feminist prostitute Emma Watson found walking the streets. After disgracefully having

Feminist prostitute Emma Watson found walking the streets. After disgracefully having fucked a bunch of dirty homeless men. Having gotten to depravedly breed her amazing cunt & fertile womb. Hoping that she’s gotten herself sinfully pregnant with anot

CelebrityWankMaterial, JerkOffToCelebs, celebJObuds, jobuds2, HollywoodHoes, CelebFapHeaven, impregnation

Feminist bombshell Lynzy Lab

Feminist bombshell Lynzy Lab
