
Defended pics

Just defended my thesis, here's what the last two years looked like in paper form

Just defended my thesis, here's what the last two years looked like in paper form


Just a display of clay tanks made by kindergartners in Russia in celebration of Defenders

Just a display of clay tanks made by kindergartners in Russia in celebration of Defenders of the Fatherland Day (Feb 23) {mildly nsfw}


US Marines stand over the bodies of dead Japanese soldiers who were killed defending

US Marines stand over the bodies of dead Japanese soldiers who were killed defending a stronghold, Iwo Jima, March 2, 1945


My mom was on my FB bashing me for being a stripper, and then this girl defended

My mom was on my FB bashing me for being a stripper, and then this girl defended me pretty nicely. (Don't know where to put this?)


MRW I'm defending against cat scratch fever

MRW I'm defending against cat scratch fever


This feminist looks happy to have finally found a Superior Man to be a pet for. That's

This feminist looks happy to have finally found a Superior Man to be a pet for. That's what all equality defenders aspire to in life, a Superior Man.


Equality defenders only want to be fucked hard if it is by a Superior Man.

Equality defenders only want to be fucked hard if it is by a Superior Man.


Another equality defender, selling her femaleness

Another equality defender, selling her femaleness


Hey, every equality defender has the right to admit Male Superiority. Her family,

Hey, every equality defender has the right to admit Male Superiority. Her family, her friends and the society in general must respect her for her rights and preferences.


When women were passive inanimate objects with no will or consent, Men had to approach

When women were passive inanimate objects with no will or consent, Men had to approach and actively take them. When gender equality defenders demanded the freedom of choosing only Superior Men, they got will and consent, and now they aren't objects, but t


So do you know why gender equality defenders will end up dropping feminism and choosing

So do you know why gender equality defenders will end up dropping feminism and choosing Superior Men when feminism reveals itself as incompatible with Superior Men and they have to choose between either one or the other? Because, actually, women are *infe


Watch as the hippo defends its Territory

Watch as the hippo defends its Territory


Here you have another veteran hypergamous gender equality defender, who already has

Here you have another veteran hypergamous gender equality defender, who already has learnt well what are the most optimal paths for women in life, and what men to apply the gender equality mindset to and what Men not


All these smart feminists love to brag about the superiority of their inferiority.

All these smart feminists love to brag about the superiority of their inferiority. It's the only superiority gender equality defenders can brag about.


If women continue to quit needing feminism like that I'll run out of women to call

If women continue to quit needing feminism like that I'll run out of women to call "hypergamous artificial gender equality defenders"


Women know perfectly what they are and what they must want to be to the superior

Women know perfectly what they are and what they must want to be to the superior Men they need and prefer. There's just one thing artificial gender equality defenders reject: male inferiority


No, it is not contradictory if she is a feminist, because as a feminist she defends

No, it is not contradictory if she is a feminist, because as a feminist she defends artificial gender equality, which makes sense from the perspective of her female gender's biological inferiority (1850s' feminists would have a hard time watching the curr


Every artificial gender equality defender prefers to live as an inferior woman for

Every artificial gender equality defender prefers to live as an inferior woman for a superior Man, over living as a superior woman with an inferior man or on her own.


To every woman it's easier to achieve the scientific and technological improvements

To every woman it's easier to achieve the scientific and technological improvements she needs by means of her tits than by means of her brains. So yes, artificial gender equality defenders can help with scientific and technological development, never say


Yes, even feminists, those artificial gender equality defenders, prefer superior

Yes, even feminists, those artificial gender equality defenders, prefer superior Men. So, if feminists prefer superior Men, then feminists believe in Male superiority.


Anjem Choudary, A Muslim cleric who is defending the Paris attacks

Anjem Choudary, A Muslim cleric who is defending the Paris attacks

pics, ImGoingToHellForThis

feminists only want to have the freedom to decide what's best for themselves; and

feminists only want to have the freedom to decide what's best for themselves; and every gender equality defender knows living with a superior Man is better for herself than living on her own, like a person superior and free, or with a lesser man. Here you


feminists are complaining that currently there's a lot of anti-feminism everywhere.

feminists are complaining that currently there's a lot of anti-feminism everywhere. But feminists themselves are feminism's worst enemies, since feminists are very hypocritical: they say they fight Male supremacy and they defend gender equality, but femin


Another feminist who earns money to be a Patriarchy worker, and who uses her feminist

Another feminist who earns money to be a Patriarchy worker, and who uses her feminist freedom to shit on feminism (cause it's freedom), or, who knows, maybe she does it to defend feminism, which would be even better. Luckily feminists support sex workers


Remember that no female superiority defending feminist prefers inferior men. "Since

Remember that no female superiority defending feminist prefers inferior men. "Since I'm a superior woman, I don't need superior men, so if anything I'm only willing to accept inferior men to help them, and prove society women are superior in the process"


So it's official: feminists are saying feminism is no longer about choice. feminism

So it's official: feminists are saying feminism is no longer about choice. feminism is now as oppressive as Patriarchy. The female brain has finally realized its inferior way of functioning, and millions of smart feminists that defended feminism as choice


So when feminism defends female freedom it's keeping an ace up the sleeve: female

So when feminism defends female freedom it's keeping an ace up the sleeve: female freedom enables women to choose superior Men, to submit to these Men, and to turn women's mistreatment by these Men into a good and fair thing. female will can turn female i


Shiro & Pidge/Katie [Voltron: Legendary Defender]

Shiro & Pidge/Katie [Voltron: Legendary Defender]


NFL defender vomiting after the play

NFL defender vomiting after the play


Mfw Social Justice Warriors defend a murderer

Mfw Social Justice Warriors defend a murderer


Mrw I have the power of super sonic gas and I must defend myself against my arch

Mrw I have the power of super sonic gas and I must defend myself against my arch nemesis and his motor bike


>normies actually defend this

>normies actually defend this


Thousands of Amazonian defenders are returning to their tribes after the Matriarchy

Thousands of Amazonian defenders are returning to their tribes after the Matriarchy Queen removed her forces from our border.


Krysten Ritter in Defenders Ep 2 (No Spoilers)

Krysten Ritter in Defenders Ep 2 (No Spoilers)

FamousButts, MCUPorn

Four normal people shot for defending free enterprise and the white race. (in before

Four normal people shot for defending free enterprise and the white race. (in before ‘not true communism’)


Two normal people who died defending Pillau from Marxist-Engelsism in 1945. (I guess

Two normal people who died defending Pillau from Marxist-Engelsism in 1945. (I guess that wasn’t ‘really’ communism right?)


Anticommunist hospitalized for defending white men’s rights!

Anticommunist hospitalized for defending white men’s rights!


Smol Kyle defends himself.

Smol Kyle defends himself.


A defender of the French republic and her opponent. Or vice-versa.

A defender of the French republic and her opponent. Or vice-versa.


A visual representation of a Democrat trying to defend creepy Joe (NSFW)

A visual representation of a Democrat trying to defend creepy Joe (NSFW)


Everyone defending D&D

Everyone defending D&D


Boiler is helpless to defend itself as a sadistic engineer twists its eyeball, threatens

Boiler is helpless to defend itself as a sadistic engineer twists its eyeball, threatens to lobotomise it with a screwdriver and taunts it with questions about how it feels about being replaced with a new one. NSFW


People in this sub defending Rockstar by saying "nO gAmE hAs a FlaWleSs ReLeAse"

People in this sub defending Rockstar by saying "nO gAmE hAs a FlaWleSs ReLeAse"


26 [M4M] 3" fully hard, looking for long PMs from better-endowed guys (guys

26 [M4M] 3" fully hard, looking for long PMs from better-endowed guys (guys exclusively) brutally bullying me.. I'm too much of a wimp to defend myself

SmallPenisHumiliation, sph, penis, GayKink

When I ban people, they always tell me "what? can't defend your argument? enjoy

When I ban people, they always tell me "what? can't defend your argument? enjoy your echo chamber retard". I just love the poetry in this :)





If a thot can make hot, can Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky? Lets see some love for

If a thot can make hot, can Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky? Lets see some love for the Defender of Star League and Great Father of the Clans!


We got a live one here A ATM cult member defends Joe even through he hates his fans

We got a live one here A ATM cult member defends Joe even through he hates his fans lmfao Thoughts?


This blonde beach beauty has made an incredible catch while fishing in the lake.

This blonde beach beauty has made an incredible catch while fishing in the lake. Given that she can hide it or defend it from other females, she'll be able to feast on it for days


I started having sex with my male Boss in hotel rooms after work. Slowly he began

I started having sex with my male Boss in hotel rooms after work. Slowly he began feminizing my clothes and body. He was turning me into a girl, but I didn't defend myself because women had never liked my small cock anyway. I knew I'd be better off as a g


ATM member defends soldiers like Banky and Ty "Serving"

ATM member defends soldiers like Banky and Ty "Serving"
