
Dashcamgif pics

Guy drives reckless past a wedding cruise, and loses it.

Guy drives reckless past a wedding cruise, and loses it.

WTF, dashcamgifs

Bad car crash sends people flying

Bad car crash sends people flying

watchpeopledie, WTF, dashcamgifs

Don't take any chances in traffic. Ever.

Don't take any chances in traffic. Ever.

WTF, halifax, watchpeopledie, dashcamgifs

Flying reindeer do exist.

Flying reindeer do exist.

Unexpected, funny, ImGoingToHellForThis, gifs, MyPeopleNeedMe, dashcamgifs

Nice Spoiler

Nice Spoiler

WTF, dashcamgifs, ANormalDayInRussia

That's not how you overtake another car...

That's not how you overtake another car...

Unexpected, dashcamgifs, nononono, IdiotsInCars, mistyfront, FiftyFifty

Successfully failed overtake.

Successfully failed overtake.

WTF, dashcamgifs

Tanker Flips Over on Narrow Road and Crushes Car.

Tanker Flips Over on Narrow Road and Crushes Car.

WTF, watchpeopledie, dashcamgifs

Car almost pancaked

Car almost pancaked

WTF, Trucking, dashcamgifs

Truck flies through

Truck flies through

watchpeopledie, dashcamgifs, CatastrophicFailure, Unexpected

Look both ways before crossing a street.

Look both ways before crossing a street.

WTF, BetterEveryLoop, dashcamgifs, ImGoingToHellForThis, eddit3yearsago, eddit4yearsago

Chinese jaywalker almost made it across the road

Chinese jaywalker almost made it across the road

watchpeopledie, dashcamgifs, wheredthebodygo

So there I was, sitting on the bus thinking "Damn, I could sure use a nice refreshing

So there I was, sitting on the bus thinking "Damn, I could sure use a nice refreshing glass of Kool-Aid right about now." OH YEAH!!!

ImGoingToHellForThis, BetterEveryLoop, dashcamgifs

Woman crossing street while on her phone needed to pay better attention

Woman crossing street while on her phone needed to pay better attention

watchpeopledie, DarwinAward, dashcamgifs, IdiotsInCars

Cross post from r/dashcamgifs, or the reason we can't have nice things.

Cross post from r/dashcamgifs, or the reason we can't have nice things.


Car sandwiched between two trucks in Russia

Car sandwiched between two trucks in Russia

WTF, dashcamgifs

Maybe just wait for the green...

Maybe just wait for the green...

WTF, idiot, BetterEveryLoop, urbancycling, bicycling, JusticeServed, bikemessengers, rva, Whatcouldgowrong, dashcamgifs, WinStupidPrizes, watchpeopledie, HadToHurt, holdmyfeedingtube, uichicago

Must be a delicious sandwic.... Ohh WTF!!!

Must be a delicious sandwic.... Ohh WTF!!!

WTF, whitepeoplegifs, Patriots, dashcamgifs, forbiddensnacks, Cumtown, u_CrashingThruLife, IdiotsInCars, venturebros, Wellthatsucks, MOONMOON_OW, funny, firstworldproblems, OakIsland, gifs, CinnamonToastKen

Man goes flying out the back of an ambulance after crash.

Man goes flying out the back of an ambulance after crash.

WTF, dashcamgifs, nononono, watchpeopledie, holdmyfeedingtube, ANormalDayInRussia, holdmytombstone

I mean, it just keeps giving

I mean, it just keeps giving

u_Fillaciojones, CasualUK, dashcamgifs, ShitISaw

what are the odds ?

what are the odds ?

Unexpected, dashcamgifs, nevertellmetheodds, FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR

Look both sides before crossing the road!

Look both sides before crossing the road!

WTF, watchpeoplesurvive, Instantregret, nevertellmetheodds, u_homest7, u_ferrarezitheduude, ChildrenFallingOver, nonononoyes, ANormalDayInRussia, BetterEveryLoop, HumansAreMetal, holdmyfeedingtube, holdmyjuicebox, Whatcouldgowrong, instantkarma, dashcamgifs

HMFT after I wait patiently at a stop light

HMFT after I wait patiently at a stop light

holdmyfeedingtube, Whatcouldgowrong, FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR, dashcamgifs, u_charlescj56, AbruptChaos, u_AnaeroR1, u_LV2XLR8247, u_cleonov, watchpeoplesurvive, woahdude, ExtremeCarCrashes, u_OjhaRohit