
Cyst pics

It was a cyst. [NSFW] (true story)

It was a cyst. [NSFW] (true story)

reddit.com, fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu

My parents forced me to get surgery to remove a cyst on my scalp.....and now I have

My parents forced me to get surgery to remove a cyst on my scalp.....and now I have this shit on the top of my head. Honestly can't tell if im better or worse without it (im leaning towards worse).


Warning - Gore. A few years ago I had an ovarian cyst removed via c-section. Here

Warning - Gore. A few years ago I had an ovarian cyst removed via c-section. Here are some photos my doctors took during my procedure. NSFW


Found a cyst in my ankle, this is what my ankle looks like 4 days after surgery [NSFW]

Found a cyst in my ankle, this is what my ankle looks like 4 days after surgery [NSFW] [Gore]


A pair of Tits | A Corneal cyst

A pair of Tits | A Corneal cyst


Is this a pilonidal cyst?

Is this a pilonidal cyst?


BUTT CRACK ALERT. Is this the start of a cyst?

BUTT CRACK ALERT. Is this the start of a cyst?


Laparotomy Cyst Removal (mildly nsfw)

Laparotomy Cyst Removal (mildly nsfw)


I took a photo of my friend's stomach after she had a cyst removed.

I took a photo of my friend's stomach after she had a cyst removed.


Puss? Cyst? Don't know what's going on here

Puss? Cyst? Don't know what's going on here


My pilondial cyst.

My pilondial cyst.


A good friend of mine got a ~20lb ovarian cyst that contained 12 liters of fluid

A good friend of mine got a ~20lb ovarian cyst that contained 12 liters of fluid removed. She just got the O.R. pictures back today.


my ovary, ovarian cyst and colon are all fused together

my ovary, ovarian cyst and colon are all fused together


In bed in pain.. 4cm cyst on my ovary. Better pictures to come soon hopefully!

In bed in pain.. 4cm cyst on my ovary. Better pictures to come soon hopefully!


Fetus vomiting cyst

Fetus vomiting cyst


16 year old sisters pilodinal cyst. Surgery tomorrow. Wish i was there to see it!

16 year old sisters pilodinal cyst. Surgery tomorrow. Wish i was there to see it!


[Skin Concerns] Cyst, ingrown or boil? What is it and how can I get rid of it?

[Skin Concerns] Cyst, ingrown or boil? What is it and how can I get rid of it?


30kg cyst removed from abdomen of woman

30kg cyst removed from abdomen of woman


I managed to pull the whole sac out of the cebaceous cyst on my man bits. It had

I managed to pull the whole sac out of the cebaceous cyst on my man bits. It had been there at least 2 years.


[NSFW] There's little else this can be than a pilonidal cyst, right?

[NSFW] There's little else this can be than a pilonidal cyst, right?


Not sure if some kind of cyst or tonsil stone that somehow got trapped under the

Not sure if some kind of cyst or tonsil stone that somehow got trapped under the skin


I assume this is a pilonidal cyst? I've had it for 2/3 years. Flares up and goes

I assume this is a pilonidal cyst? I've had it for 2/3 years. Flares up and goes away constantly. Often quite painful. I out tea tree oil on it today and it has really helped with pain and inflammation. This particular flare up just started 2 days ago


[NSFW] A white bump on my shaft. Started out as what I thought was a cyst. Now, a

[NSFW] A white bump on my shaft. Started out as what I thought was a cyst. Now, a month or so later it is white and a bit of hard. I'm thinking maybe its scaring? Its not particularly painful. Any idea?


A massive ovarian cyst with the uterus after a hysterectomy.

A massive ovarian cyst with the uterus after a hysterectomy.


A massive ovarian cyst.

A massive ovarian cyst.


This nazi who describes himself as “an actual put blackies in the trees the Jews

This nazi who describes himself as “an actual put blackies in the trees the Jews are destroying the world white supremacist” in his post history has a massively infected cyst. He is on r/popping looking for sympathy. Naw ... I call this justice served.


Wound from my recent Pilonidal Cyst extraction surgery

Wound from my recent Pilonidal Cyst extraction surgery


Is this is cyst/sinus (the white stuff is anti fungal cream)

Is this is cyst/sinus (the white stuff is anti fungal cream)


Fresh cyst not touched

Fresh cyst not touched


Does this look like a sebaceous cyst? Treatment advice? Details within.

Does this look like a sebaceous cyst? Treatment advice? Details within.
