
Childfree pics

Found this reminder that dogs can be awful sometimes too...just some perspective.

Found this reminder that dogs can be awful sometimes too...just some perspective.


No. Just no. That's disgusting it isn't acceptable I don't care how old the demon

No. Just no. That's disgusting it isn't acceptable I don't care how old the demon seed is. (x-post from r/daddit)


babies really look scary as hell when newborn.. this makes me nope (x-post from r/creepy)

babies really look scary as hell when newborn.. this makes me nope (x-post from r/creepy)


Oh hell no

Oh hell no


Facebook post..fetus fueled nightmares. Warning: cannot unsee.

Facebook post..fetus fueled nightmares. Warning: cannot unsee.


This is why I'm deleting my Pinterest. (probably nsfw, and creepy)

This is why I'm deleting my Pinterest. (probably nsfw, and creepy)


Scrolling through Facebook when suddenly... is this becoming a thing now? It's gross.

Scrolling through Facebook when suddenly... is this becoming a thing now? It's gross. Stop it. (Mildly NSFW)


nsfw: repost r/gore. Good reason not to have kids ladies. This is a c section incision

nsfw: repost r/gore. Good reason not to have kids ladies. This is a c section incision that reopened a few days later.... Not funny like post of these but good birth control.


My class assignment is to reply to at least 8 people on the discussion board. I'm

My class assignment is to reply to at least 8 people on the discussion board. I'm trying my best not to reply to this guy.


This is how I feel about children. Who's with me?

This is how I feel about children. Who's with me?


So I look at my news feed and see this, right at the top staring me in the face.

So I look at my news feed and see this, right at the top staring me in the face. I understand it's a part of life, and you think it's cute when your kid does it fine, but I shouldn't have to see something like this on Facebook, it's disgusting.


A few. I could certainly think of. NSFW?

A few. I could certainly think of. NSFW?


Think I'll just leave this right here....

Think I'll just leave this right here....


As all my guy friends gradually have children this is how I view them

As all my guy friends gradually have children this is how I view them


This guy is having a real shitty day. [NSFL]

This guy is having a real shitty day. [NSFL]


If i ever got pressured into having kids, this is what I'd show the offender. Titled

If i ever got pressured into having kids, this is what I'd show the offender. Titled "It's different when it's yours" [STRONG NSFW]


Seriously? I was eating. (NSFL, in my opinion)

Seriously? I was eating. (NSFL, in my opinion)


Just saw this on my Facebook feed. How the hell is this adorable? (NSFW?)

Just saw this on my Facebook feed. How the hell is this adorable? (NSFW?)


Fuck your dad kid, I'm in a hurry

Fuck your dad kid, I'm in a hurry


This is the kind of gross bullshit that some parents pull that truly enrages me

This is the kind of gross bullshit that some parents pull that truly enrages me

childfree, WTF




Those pictures are inappropriate for Facebook... posted by a norwegian newspaper.

Those pictures are inappropriate for Facebook... posted by a norwegian newspaper. Eww! :((( [NSFL]


Showing your tits on FB is insane, but with a child = normal?!?!

Showing your tits on FB is insane, but with a child = normal?!?!


"Have a baby," they said. "It'll be fun," they said. "No,

"Have a baby," they said. "It'll be fun," they said. "No, thanks," I say. (x-post from r/WTF)


Fresh pictures from the home birth. (Slightly nsfw)

Fresh pictures from the home birth. (Slightly nsfw)





My friend found me the perfect painting. (maybe nsfw?)

My friend found me the perfect painting. (maybe nsfw?)


A friend just posted this (Facebook). Ugh.

A friend just posted this (Facebook). Ugh.


Mombie is ecstatic breastfeeding photos are now allowed on Facebook.

Mombie is ecstatic breastfeeding photos are now allowed on Facebook.


Approval? That looks like death

Approval? That looks like death


I really don't want toddler smoothies [x-post r/Unexpected]

I really don't want toddler smoothies [x-post r/Unexpected]


Trigger warning. This repulsiveness showed up on my FB feed.

Trigger warning. This repulsiveness showed up on my FB feed.


[NSFL] Waiting for the diaper fairy, xpost from wtf

[NSFL] Waiting for the diaper fairy, xpost from wtf


Are you actually fucking kidding me, you gross motherfucker

Are you actually fucking kidding me, you gross motherfucker


Mombies did not like me telling them to pump at home. (NSFW breast pic)

Mombies did not like me telling them to pump at home. (NSFW breast pic)


Had to unfriend the woman that "liked" this post. WTF, Facebook?!

Had to unfriend the woman that "liked" this post. WTF, Facebook?!


Not something I wanted to see while scrolling through Facebook.

Not something I wanted to see while scrolling through Facebook.


[SOCIAL MEDIA] Also, due to a word: NSFW. I saw this on my newsfeed and thought about

[SOCIAL MEDIA] Also, due to a word: NSFW. I saw this on my newsfeed and thought about you guys!


Social Media: (WARNING: graphic/GROSS) This is why I keep my fb deactivated 98% of

Social Media: (WARNING: graphic/GROSS) This is why I keep my fb deactivated 98% of the time. Everyone I know are breeders that post about "gods beautiful blessings" all day long... I hate living in the bible belt


[NSFW] I love peeing alone... Well besides stares from cats...

[NSFW] I love peeing alone... Well besides stares from cats...


[NSFW] Sorry if this is a repost, but, uh, this is doing the rounds on my Facebook

[NSFW] Sorry if this is a repost, but, uh, this is doing the rounds on my Facebook right now.


Spotted on social media. Just WHY

Spotted on social media. Just WHY


Are you fucking kidding me....?

Are you fucking kidding me....?


[NSFW] Why the hell would anyone post this on Facebook?

[NSFW] Why the hell would anyone post this on Facebook?


Parenting nsfw

Parenting nsfw


Almost threw up in my mouth and then unfriended her. I really wish I could unsee

Almost threw up in my mouth and then unfriended her. I really wish I could unsee this shit [NSFW]?


On my Facebook. 'Tag someone who..' Another reminder i never want kids.

On my Facebook. 'Tag someone who..' Another reminder i never want kids.


A friend trying to convince another friend...

A friend trying to convince another friend...


[Humor] "Have children", they said, "it's so beautiful and amazing"

[Humor] "Have children", they said, "it's so beautiful and amazing" they said.


It's a... miracle? (Poop warning)

It's a... miracle? (Poop warning)


[nsfw] (x-post) Best drug to have sex on...

[nsfw] (x-post) Best drug to have sex on...


Over sharing on Facebook poo edition (nsfw)

Over sharing on Facebook poo edition (nsfw)


Yes, that would be truly horrifying

Yes, that would be truly horrifying


[NSFW] Thoroughly disgusted with what just popped up on my Facebook feed

[NSFW] Thoroughly disgusted with what just popped up on my Facebook feed


Hmm, when your child 'is my world' charade can't be kept up..

Hmm, when your child 'is my world' charade can't be kept up..
