
Burning Eyes pics

Well, time to burn my eyes out...

Well, time to burn my eyes out...


The world burns in his eyes

The world burns in his eyes


Naked granny with bullous pemphigold disease [Warning: Your eyes will burn]

Naked granny with bullous pemphigold disease [Warning: Your eyes will burn]


Scrolled thru facebook to see this one this morning... Eyes still burning. (nsfw?)

Scrolled thru facebook to see this one this morning... Eyes still burning. (nsfw?)


Petition to add Google to the list of Unapproved companies for burning my eyes out

Petition to add Google to the list of Unapproved companies for burning my eyes out with a crApple device displayed on their site. [NSFW]


My eyes will forever burn

My eyes will forever burn


It's been a few days with my piercing now and it heals pretty good. No after-bleeding

It's been a few days with my piercing now and it heals pretty good. No after-bleeding whatsoever. Rn the only issue I see is that my glans shedding a bit of skin. Anyone had that? I'll keep an eye on it. It doesn't burn or anything.


Flaky, red, burning spots under both eyes - What am I dealing with ?

Flaky, red, burning spots under both eyes - What am I dealing with ?
