
Whedon pics

Quintessential Whedon

Quintessential Whedon


[Spoiler]Came upon something a bit ironic in Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing

[Spoiler]Came upon something a bit ironic in Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing


I haven't seen anyone talk about this; but based on James Gunn's filmography, coupled

I haven't seen anyone talk about this; but based on James Gunn's filmography, coupled with the Joss Whedon influence on the MCU - I humbly submit the man I believe will play Jason of Spartax, the father of Star-Lord, in Guardians 2. [SPOILERS]?


Official Poster for Joss "ShakeSpare" Whedon's new mindfuck

Official Poster for Joss "ShakeSpare" Whedon's new mindfuck


[Spoilers] You didn't see that coming - Joss Whedon

[Spoilers] You didn't see that coming - Joss Whedon


One of my first attempts. Joss Whedon comic from Hijinks Ensue. *NSFW Language

One of my first attempts. Joss Whedon comic from Hijinks Ensue. *NSFW Language


Joss Whedon again showing us why hes awesome.

Joss Whedon again showing us why hes awesome.


[Spoilers Main] I think Joss Whedon might be enough of a nerd to take inspiration

[Spoilers Main] I think Joss Whedon might be enough of a nerd to take inspiration from the Boltons for this infamous scene from Buffy the Vampire Slayer...


I'll forever be jealous of that ugly fucker Joss Whedon for getting his cock sucked

I'll forever be jealous of that ugly fucker Joss Whedon for getting his cock sucked by my 2 favorite hollywood babes Gal Gadot and Scarlett Johansson


I'll forever be jealous of that lucky fucker Joss Whedon for getting his cock sucked

I'll forever be jealous of that lucky fucker Joss Whedon for getting his cock sucked by my 2 favorite superhero babes Gal Gadot and Scarlett Johansson
