
Vape Mail pics

Just got my iTaste in the mail. Thanks for all the great comments and posts helping

Just got my iTaste in the mail. Thanks for all the great comments and posts helping me make this transition!


I get my juice from a B&M. After seeing all the posts on people getting free

I get my juice from a B&M. After seeing all the posts on people getting free juice in the mail...


Is anyone interested in building a flush 510 into my MVP? I have vape mail coming

Is anyone interested in building a flush 510 into my MVP? I have vape mail coming but... sentimental value. I don't even solder.


When vape mail is delayed.

When vape mail is delayed.


When they tell you the mail will be delayed due to weather

When they tell you the mail will be delayed due to weather


Every time I get vape mail...

Every time I get vape mail...


When the mail is late and I'm waiting on VapeMail...

When the mail is late and I'm waiting on VapeMail...


Vape Mail

Vape Mail


(H) Vaped Fob Portable Stealth Cannabis Vaporizer (W) Trade or $120 USPS Priority

(H) Vaped Fob Portable Stealth Cannabis Vaporizer (W) Trade or $120 USPS Priority Mail Included


Me when vape mail arrives

Me when vape mail arrives


Can either of these be used to vape distillate from my baby beast tank or do I need

Can either of these be used to vape distillate from my baby beast tank or do I need to wait for my gt ccells to come in the mail?
