
U Thing Sufficient pics

Another consideration you ladies should weigh is that if you, as females, publicly

Another consideration you ladies should weigh is that if you, as females, publicly declare yourselves so superior and self-sufficient that you don't need men, then you will only be desired by inferior males. So don't do such thing unless you really prefer


The combination of women's inferiority and superior Men's superiority is the only

The combination of women's inferiority and superior Men's superiority is the only thing that makes women authentically happy. women can't be happy about combining their superiority and inferior men or a lone self-sufficient life, because women's superiori


"Has this dick flattening session been sufficient for you, my dear Obi-Wan?

"Has this dick flattening session been sufficient for you, my dear Obi-Wan? The last thing I want is for you to be disappointed AND have proper circulation to your penis." "Fear not, my darling; I assure you that I cannot feel anything except the warmth o

starwarsnsfw, rule34