
Samharris pics

r/samharris user realizes Sam Harries is racist.

r/samharris user realizes Sam Harries is racist.


President Trump poses with the bible, promises to make America great again, country

President Trump poses with the bible, promises to make America great again, country goes wild! Thousands, no millions of people gathered to listen to the inspiring speach of our godfearing leader, who'm we have to follow without question, because the sign


Just got a free subscription for the Making Sense Podcast. The login animation looks

Just got a free subscription for the Making Sense Podcast. The login animation looks some what looks like Sam flipping the bird at me.


Just got a free subscription for the Making Sense. The login animation somewhat looks

Just got a free subscription for the Making Sense. The login animation somewhat looks like Sam flipping the bird at me.


A Comic that illustrates a clear, objective "valley" in Harris' moral landscape.

A Comic that illustrates a clear, objective "valley" in Harris' moral landscape.


Anon’s take on the liberal media

Anon’s take on the liberal media

4chan, u_amazing_retard, samharris, Chodi