
Justin Bieber Songs pics

Justin Bieber still is the cringiest 'artist' ever. Here he is playing the guitar

Justin Bieber still is the cringiest 'artist' ever. Here he is playing the guitar and singing a song in front of his grandmother... NAKED...

cringepics, CuteGuyButts

I listened to Justin Bieber's new song and now Google now has somehow become a Justin

I listened to Justin Bieber's new song and now Google now has somehow become a Justin bieber feed.


I heard about a music video for one of Justin Bieber's songs called 'Where Are Ü

I heard about a music video for one of Justin Bieber's songs called 'Where Are Ü Now'. Fans submitted their own artwork for the video. I should've fucking known... (NSFW)


Lyrics to Justin Bieber Song Gone Wrong

Lyrics to Justin Bieber Song Gone Wrong
