
Human Scream pics

"Humans of Newtown" (a suburb of Sydney) Jewbook page posts photo of hipster

"Humans of Newtown" (a suburb of Sydney) Jewbook page posts photo of hipster faggot, Ausfags scream about "cultural appropriation"


bAbBer jAguAR dRaGGed bY GiGANtiC jaGUaR aBoUT to be EATED. bAbBerjagger pUts pAw

bAbBer jAguAR dRaGGed bY GiGANtiC jaGUaR aBoUT to be EATED. bAbBerjagger pUts pAw on wIndEr tO pLeA hUmAns 2 rEsCue iT bUt it r 2 LaTe!! bAbbEr sCREaMs in FEaR as mONStAJaggER FUCKING SwallOWs bAbBer WHOLE nevEr 2 b see agAIN!!
