
Hong Kong Protests pics

Arial view of the protest today in Hong Kong

Arial view of the protest today in Hong Kong


Hong Kong Police pre-record a video justifying their actions before the protests

Hong Kong Police pre-record a video justifying their actions before the protests turned violent meaning they sent officers and staff to act aggressively as protestors and premeditated everything to allow them to retaliate violently and devalue the protest


Hong Kong protester equipment

Hong Kong protester equipment


Hong Kong Protesters Occupy The Airport - All Flights in and out cancelled

Hong Kong Protesters Occupy The Airport - All Flights in and out cancelled


“Peaceful protesters” in Hong Kong stabbed policeman with knife

“Peaceful protesters” in Hong Kong stabbed policeman with knife


Hong Kong protester grabbing the CS Gas grenades fired at them and rendering it useless

Hong Kong protester grabbing the CS Gas grenades fired at them and rendering it useless in liquid nitrogen canister


Mei and doomfist protesting for hong kong

Mei and doomfist protesting for hong kong


this man was killed because of the actions of the stalinist soviet union, tankies

this man was killed because of the actions of the stalinist soviet union, tankies today would love to see the same thing happen to josh wong and the hong kong protesters


A can of Chinese made tear gas exploded on the back of a first aider in Hong Kong

A can of Chinese made tear gas exploded on the back of a first aider in Hong Kong during today's protest. Sources say he is still in a coma. Yet another example of the Hong Kong Police using non lethal force to "keep the people safe".


Hong Kong Janitor Set on Fire in Protest

Hong Kong Janitor Set on Fire in Protest


The protest rally in Hong Kong right now (source: twitter)

The protest rally in Hong Kong right now (source: twitter)
