
Griefer pics

The 12 year olds on my creative server have much more imaginative ways to gain attention

The 12 year olds on my creative server have much more imaginative ways to gain attention than the usual griefers. [NSFW]


When griefers hit a creative server

When griefers hit a creative server


After a griefer got hold of TNT

After a griefer got hold of TNT


Building this at ~(890, 827) and would love help. There's plenty of Blue squares

Building this at ~(890, 827) and would love help. There's plenty of Blue squares for you guys to reclaim from griefers.


SMH, griefers...

SMH, griefers...


When you take out a lobby griefers jet

When you take out a lobby griefers jet


Solution for those upset by online griefers and prefer not having to be ready to

Solution for those upset by online griefers and prefer not having to be ready to fight and shoot when online.


Trying to duel these 12 year old griefers but you're an older gamer... [NSFW]

Trying to duel these 12 year old griefers but you're an older gamer... [NSFW]
