
Graphic Violence pics

Facebook refuses to remove a graphic image of a dog with a knife in it's neck because

Facebook refuses to remove a graphic image of a dog with a knife in it's neck because it's content is not considered "graphic violence" ?


I'm suddenly reminded of a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon about graphic violence.

I'm suddenly reminded of a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon about graphic violence. (Uber #5 Spoilers) (NSFW)


So apparently a picture of a child with half it's head shot off doesn't violate Facebooks

So apparently a picture of a child with half it's head shot off doesn't violate Facebooks terms for graphic violence? (NSFL)(NSFW)


[Warning: Extreme graphic violence][NSFW] *Linyphia triangulata* vs. *Formica rufa*

[Warning: Extreme graphic violence][NSFW] *Linyphia triangulata* vs. *Formica rufa*


[NSFW] Jennifer Lawrence topless in 'Mother' - LQ - graphic/violence

[NSFW] Jennifer Lawrence topless in 'Mother' - LQ - graphic/violence

Celebs, CelebsToday

DeaDLy AsSassiN ExteRmInatES SpOrTs MoM, THeN MeMeS AbouT It. [eXpLiCiT GraPhIc vioLeNCe

DeaDLy AsSassiN ExteRmInatES SpOrTs MoM, THeN MeMeS AbouT It. [eXpLiCiT GraPhIc vioLeNCe waRniNg}


CauTION! COntAinS grAphIC vioLencE

CauTION! COntAinS grAphIC vioLencE


So apparently a picture of a child with half it's head shot off doesn't violate Facebooks

So apparently a picture of a child with half it's head shot off doesn't violate Facebooks terms for graphic violence? (NSFL)(NSFW)


(WARNING: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE INSIDE) Upvote to save yourselves... returning upvotes!!!

(WARNING: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE INSIDE) Upvote to save yourselves... returning upvotes!!! :-)


Graphic Violence - Hanging, Me, Digital, 2021

Graphic Violence - Hanging, Me, Digital, 2021
