
Culture Humanity pics

"Humans of Newtown" (a suburb of Sydney) Jewbook page posts photo of hipster

"Humans of Newtown" (a suburb of Sydney) Jewbook page posts photo of hipster faggot, Ausfags scream about "cultural appropriation"


Late Dr.Leonard Shlain (brain surgeon author & inventor) believed written

Late Dr.Leonard Shlain (brain surgeon author & inventor) believed written words and literary evolution like the Bible gave way to feminine aspects of the human brain becoming a threat to society/cultural development, versus contributing to natural bal


One of the almost 1000 human skeletons found in Heerxheim, southwest Germany. The

One of the almost 1000 human skeletons found in Heerxheim, southwest Germany. The archaeological site was a ritual center and a mass grave formed by canniball people of the Linearbandkeramik culture in Neolithic Europe, 5300 and 4950 BC. [1184x732]


The Distillation of Human Culture [Armor Hunters: Aftermath #1]

The Distillation of Human Culture [Armor Hunters: Aftermath #1]


A view of the north chamber of the Huitzilapa shaft tomb in Jalisco complete with

A view of the north chamber of the Huitzilapa shaft tomb in Jalisco complete with funerary goods and human remains. Teuchitlan culture. Dated to 100 BCE. [750x525]


So feminism and human culture in general evolve as the population gets better informed

So feminism and human culture in general evolve as the population gets better informed


Mavis experiences the best of human culture (Perilune)

Mavis experiences the best of human culture (Perilune)


A human sacrifice performed at the top of a pyramid, this was a major aspect of Aztec

A human sacrifice performed at the top of a pyramid, this was a major aspect of Aztec culture
