
Cnn Story pics

I submitted the WikiLeaks story to CNN iReport.  After being viewed 50 times, they

I submitted the WikiLeaks story to CNN iReport. After being viewed 50 times, they took it down...


Thanks a lot CNN for ruining a nice story. When you see it....(slightly NSFW)

Thanks a lot CNN for ruining a nice story. When you see it....(slightly NSFW)


I thought this x-post from r/facepalm was relevant. CNN's "top stories."

I thought this x-post from r/facepalm was relevant. CNN's "top stories." [auto-x-post - OP was stone122311]


Thanks CNN now let's switch back to BBC for their spin on the story

Thanks CNN now let's switch back to BBC for their spin on the story


A small sample of the people on CNN’s story about the new royal baby not understanding

A small sample of the people on CNN’s story about the new royal baby not understanding that you don’t lose the baby belly two days postpartum ??‍♀️ there are a good bit of people trying to set them straight though.


A bunch of people on CNN’s story about the new royal baby don’t understand that

A bunch of people on CNN’s story about the new royal baby don’t understand that it takes a bit for the baby belly to go away.
