
Actor Book pics

One of the reasons I could never get into the Harry Potter movies was that I inexplicably

One of the reasons I could never get into the Harry Potter movies was that I inexplicably imagined Voldemort to be this man when I read the books. The actor was never as sinister looking as this.


1. Get off Reddit, 2. hit the gym (not too hard), 3. meditate 20m/day, 4. learn speedreading,

1. Get off Reddit, 2. hit the gym (not too hard), 3. meditate 20m/day, 4. learn speedreading, 5. learn music, 6. read marketing books, 7. network through music industry, 8. do remixes of & tour with big musicians, 9. learn flirting, 10. befriend actor


I found this book of nudes with a pic of an ex Power Ranger actor, Matt Austin [nsfw]

I found this book of nudes with a pic of an ex Power Ranger actor, Matt Austin [nsfw]


Would you do me? I'd do me. Actors with their CGI characters from The Jungle book

Would you do me? I'd do me. Actors with their CGI characters from The Jungle book
