
70Kg pics

M/5'8(178cm)/180lb (80kg) ->155lb (~70kg)

M/5'8(178cm)/180lb (80kg) ->155lb (~70kg)


70kg squat

70kg squat


10 months of training with a Personal Trainer and feeling pretty proud! 23/168cm/77kg

10 months of training with a Personal Trainer and feeling pretty proud! 23/168cm/77kg > 70kg


Didn't loose a single pound. 155lbs (70kg) M/27/6'

Didn't loose a single pound. 155lbs (70kg) M/27/6'


F/32/163cm [98kg > 70kg = 28kg lost] (24 months) 18 months dieting, followed

F/32/163cm [98kg > 70kg = 28kg lost] (24 months) 18 months dieting, followed by 9 months powerlifting


22/M/5'9/70kg-ish - New Year, new me etc.

22/M/5'9/70kg-ish - New Year, new me etc.

normalnudes, RateMyNudeBody, AsianLadyboners

F/24/1,70m (75kg > 70kg = -5kg) (about 3 months) seeing first results, but

F/24/1,70m (75kg > 70kg = -5kg) (about 3 months) seeing first results, but as I'm hitting the gym more frequently the scale has stopped moving :/ Thanks r/progresspics for keeping me motivated! (NSFW maybe?)


F/25/5'2" [~70Kg-57Kg/154lbs-126lbs] All of your pictures on here really helped

F/25/5'2" [~70Kg-57Kg/154lbs-126lbs] All of your pictures on here really helped motivate me, so I thought I would share some of my progress pics too :). Sorry for the slightly different poses (I make no apologies for the messy room)


20F/161cm/70kg - I dislike my breasts and nipples

20F/161cm/70kg - I dislike my breasts and nipples

normalnudes, chubby

28M 5'8" 70kg - I used to think I had an okay body, but as I've gotten older

28M 5'8" 70kg - I used to think I had an okay body, but as I've gotten older I've started to feel more and more self-conscious about it

normalnudes, RateMyNudeBody

Normal Nude - 19 M - 6ft2 - 70kg.

Normal Nude - 19 M - 6ft2 - 70kg.


Two in one: a)F24/172cm 5'6/80kg 176lbs b)M33/182cm 6'0/70kg 154lbs

Two in one: a)F24/172cm 5'6/80kg 176lbs b)M33/182cm 6'0/70kg 154lbs


[M26/200cm/70kg] I feel really insecure about how I look from behind, what bothers

[M26/200cm/70kg] I feel really insecure about how I look from behind, what bothers me the most is that ugly scar I have that I can't do anything about. Would also love to be a bit wider.


[[26M] 200cm 70kg] Very recently started working out a little bit with the goal of

[[26M] 200cm 70kg] Very recently started working out a little bit with the goal of packing on some muscle. I can't go too hard because of reasons, but I do what I can. Everything hurts and there's still so far to go, but I started.


M/20/5'9" [95kg > 70kg = 25kg] First photo is from around 3 years ago,

M/20/5'9" [95kg > 70kg = 25kg] First photo is from around 3 years ago, but 4 months ago I weighted 92kg, 70kg as of today


[F32 / 186cm / 70kg] I was severely underweight my whole life and also had almost

[F32 / 186cm / 70kg] I was severely underweight my whole life and also had almost a flat chest. Everything changed after my two kids and doing sports quite regularly. I'm so happy about my own body right now and I finally feel like a woman.


[M 30] 184cm, 70kg A normal nude after shower, I'm not perfect!

[M 30] 184cm, 70kg A normal nude after shower, I'm not perfect!


M 22 70kgs - Would love to hear thoughts and opinions

M 22 70kgs - Would love to hear thoughts and opinions


M27 / 198cm / 70kg

M27 / 198cm / 70kg


30 M 70kg 5"8. Not been seen naked by anyone for a long time

30 M 70kg 5"8. Not been seen naked by anyone for a long time

normalnudes, RateMyNudeBody

The heaviest TPE Sex Doll 70kg!!!

The heaviest TPE Sex Doll 70kg!!!


M 31, 184cm, 70kg, Another normal nude in home.

M 31, 184cm, 70kg, Another normal nude in home.

normalnudes, RateMyNudeBody

21 / F / 5'6 / 70Kg I've always felt as though my body is a bit disproportionate

21 / F / 5'6 / 70Kg I've always felt as though my body is a bit disproportionate and saggy, with floppy breasts and stretchmarks EVERYWHERE, but i'm focusing on pushing my comfort boundaries and gaining lots of confidence while doing so!


21 / F / 5'6 / 70Kg Overcoming insecurities about my labia (and stretchmarks/scars)

21 / F / 5'6 / 70Kg Overcoming insecurities about my labia (and stretchmarks/scars) is a work in progress, but I have encountered so much love for the uniqueness of the vagina lately and find myself less and less worried. I genuinely now feel as though mi


F/20/5'7" [80kg > 70kg = 10kg] (~2 months) started at ~90kg in may, managed

F/20/5'7" [80kg > 70kg = 10kg] (~2 months) started at ~90kg in may, managed to get down to 70kg, my main goal from when I started. I still have a little more to lose!


[F]44/70kg/1.72m - Mom of two and lost some weight recently, been working up the

[F]44/70kg/1.72m - Mom of two and lost some weight recently, been working up the courage to post here.

normalnudes, u_IMEPHISTOI

M/30/175cm [75kg to 70kg] (9 months)

M/30/175cm [75kg to 70kg] (9 months)


[F]44/70kg/1.72m - Mom of two and lost some weight recently, been working up the

[F]44/70kg/1.72m - Mom of two and lost some weight recently, been working up the courage to post here.


[M] 23 - 170cm - 70kg

[M] 23 - 170cm - 70kg


M/31/176cm [160+kg > 90kg = 70kg+] 3years Last pic 24h post tummy tuck, breast

M/31/176cm [160+kg > 90kg = 70kg+] 3years Last pic 24h post tummy tuck, breast reduction. As soon as I get the ok back to the gym. Not done yet!


29/F/5ft11/70kg - First Post - I've always lacked confidence about my breast.

29/F/5ft11/70kg - First Post - I've always lacked confidence about my breast.


M/30/5'5 [80kg>70kg] My life for the past two years has been led by daily

M/30/5'5 [80kg>70kg] My life for the past two years has been led by daily exercise and balanced eating. Still not where I want to be but feeling better than ever.


M/18/5'10" [85KG > 70KG = 15KG] [1 year] it's not a lot but it's something

M/18/5'10" [85KG > 70KG = 15KG] [1 year] it's not a lot but it's something


M/23/175cm[70kg? > ???](5 months) - no access to a gym because of the situation,

M/23/175cm[70kg? > ???](5 months) - no access to a gym because of the situation, been doing body weight for 5 months)


[M] 18/175cm/70kg need some thoughts

[M] 18/175cm/70kg need some thoughts


M23, 70kg, 188cm

M23, 70kg, 188cm


F/25/5'9" [70kg>67kg = 3kg] 3 months progess powerlifting!

F/25/5'9" [70kg>67kg = 3kg] 3 months progess powerlifting!
